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The Murder of Regilla


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The Murder of Regilla by Sarah B. Pomeroy


Book Review by Bryaxis Hecatee


This book comes in a pleasant little format, some 170 pages (plus notes and annexes) which claims to tell us all that is known about the murder of Regilla, a noble lady of ancient Rome, and wife of Herodes Atticus. A tall order indeed but something which promiment scholar Ms Pomeroy would seem be able to accomplish, well versed as she is in the study of women in the ancient world. I speak of the study of women rather than gender studies because she did not devote all of her career to the study of the status of women in general and took a larger approach in her work that is apparent in this book: in addition to status she attempted to study the life of women through different the sources ranging from archaeology to literature, and from ethnological-like comparisons to epigraphy...


...read the full book review of The Murder of Regilla: A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity by Sarah B. Pomeroy

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