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With the eyes of the Overlord

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Austria wins Oscar

Hmm, I am a bit late, but in case you missed it, Austria (my native country) won for the first time the Oscar for best foreign-language picture.   The story goes something like this...   The Counterfeiters is the true story of the largest counterfeiting operation in history, set up by the Nazis in 1936. Salomon "Sally" Sorowitsch is the king of counterfeiters. He lives a mischievous life of cards, booze, and women in Berlin during the Nazi-era. Suddenly his luck runs dry when arrested by Sup



Bits and bytes or paper?

Something to ponder about...   ...let`s say you want to leave a message to the people in the year 4000. You could write that message onto a USB Memory Stick or a DVD or on a Hard Drive or on a piece of paper. What is your guess what the chances are that (assuming the sealed box would be found and all 4 are in good condition) archaeologists would be able to identify all 4 pieces as some form of a message?   I have a hunch that the archaeologists of the 5th Millenium will have a very hard time



coin operated boy (oh boy)

coin operated boy sitting on the shelf he is just a toy but i turn him on and he comes to life automatic joy that is why i want a coin operated boy   ...those are the first few lines of a song that i cant get out of my head. I promise, i tried, but it keeps coming back...   It all started with a commercial on austrian TV. The biggest austrian jam manufactorer "Darbo" had a weired (but very interesting) ad, promoting one of their products with this song. (you can see the original versio



John Rabe

I have to admit, till a few days ago i never heard of this man. Wasn`t it for the History Channel that brought a documentary about him, i still wouldnt know what this man meant to the people of Nanking.   Why was he such a special person, you may ask? Well, John Rabe played the key role in saving the lives of more than 250,000 Chinese during the incident called the Rape of Nanking, i was so fascinated by this story that i had to look up more info on him and share this with you guys...   You



Rugby World Champion 2007 ---> South Africa!

OMG, I am a prophet! As you can see on my previous post before the world cup, i did predict that New Zealand will loose against the french and that South Africa is going to be the next World Champion, (thats what happend) you may say Nostradamus to me!   What a defensive master piece of the Springboks, and what a disaster from the english site to try (first half) to make that a kicking game, when the whole world knows the line out is Springbok-Territory!   A very tense, defensive game on b




The good news, actually the unbelievable news is, we just had our one millionth visitor to the site for 2007!!!   The not so good news is, our tiny little shared server (with about 40 other domains) that is made for mum and pops site is aching and breaking, sooner or later we have to make a decision to probably upgrade to a dedicated server, which means a server that runs just our site, the even worse news is, that such a dedicated server is only available from 160 dollar a month or more...  




An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity.   By that definition i am addicted to the internet,   ..due to overload at work i can not log on to the net every day and it sucks, on an emotional and practical level... ...how did we manage without it before? (yeah i know we just were more outside sniffing fresh air, engange in recreational activities under something called sunlight and were talking with humans face to face)   If there is somet



Stuck in the 80`s

I don`t know what is (is there?) wrong with me, no matter how good a new artist is, or how intriguing a new pop/rap/rock/soul/alternative/whatever song is, i quickly loose interest and get back to my good old 80`s songs...   ...am i getting too old for all those new "superstars" that i dont seem to catch on? Sure, some of "my" hero`s" are still around, but there are not many that made it all the way from the eighties into todays charts, so how will todays kids feel in twenty years? Do older




Finally the Rugby World Cup has started, the most entertaining team sport (in my eyes at least) kicked of in France and the host already got beaten up by Argentina, a not so big surprise if you look at their last 5 encounters...   So, everyone is talking about New Zealand and how they will be the next world champion, i tell you know it is not going to be easy, i got a hunch they have to take on France in the quarter final and will get kicked out of the tournament, leaving the door open for Sou



When a hobby turns into work....

Phew, now when we (PP, Moon and I) started in 2003 with Unrv.com we couldnt imagine how this all would turn out, all we wanted was a simple site with some basic info for a online role play game that theme was the Roman Empire...   The growth of articles and members and contributers is growing in a pace thats just incredible, to give you some examples...   Google has 58.000 pages indexed, now thats massive looking back starting with about 20 a few years back...   2007 till yesterday Unrv.co



Austria advances to Semi-Final

Under 20 Soccer World Championship in Canada OMG, something is wrong on this planet, Austria actually has a damm good soccer team for a change!   Just a few minutes ago we have beaten the USA to advance to the Semi-Final. It was an excellent game with much more chances for Austria and so the win is more then well earned. I can`t believe it, we have currently one of the four best youth-teams in the soccer world




One of the great things of the net is instant feedback (most of time time at least), now i am proudly announce recently that our newsletter is now capable of Html and what do i get as a feedback from long standing member? "Huh, you guys got a newsletter?"   Hehe, well we added now a newsletter sign up box at the forum, for everyone to see even for those who never leave the forum...   thanks for the feedback, because we are listening...



Newsletter in HTML now

We recently upgraded our newsletter script so we can send now in HTML. This is nothing radical and we wont, as far as i can see, do anything else with it other then insert links, but nevertheless a nice new touch i believe. We "tested" this new functionallity today on our newest promotion we just sent out, so check your mail [if you have subscribed] (or the front page or the Trajan Forum) for more details...



Romans and Italians

I was wondering about one thing for a long time, is it just me or does it feel that italians of today dont really care about their "roman" heritage? I live close to the italian border and have so lots of contact with them; Every time i mention our site and that the site is about "their" glory past, they sort of shrug shoulder, maybe a "nice" and move on, no interest whatsoever.   Did i just have bad luck, or is it just the way it is, Italians dont care?   cheers viggen



Quo usque tandem?

Si vales bene est ego valeo...   I had it all, fire in the house, crappy work-situation (and i mean crap when i say crap), one surgery followed by another surgery and voila followed by another one. To sum 2007 so far up ---> Hell   I have now hopefully all surgeries done for this year (vene surgery for anyone who cares) and allowed to sit 15 minutes and then have to rest for an hour and so on...   in anycase good to be finally back...   Yours viggen




...has the biggest share of all network providers that visit Unrv.com     followed by   SBC Internet Services Verizon Internet Services Road Runner America Online Cox Communications BellSouth.net British Telecommunications NTL Internet Charter Communications   It seems there is no world giant in the Internet Service Providers industry, Comcast the Nr.1 (at Unrv) is used by just over 7%...



Google Code Search

Google Code Search   This new search from Google Inc. is probably only interesting for geeks like Moonlapse



My Daughter Can`t Be Wrong...

Well, my five year old daughter wanted recently desperately ABBAs Greatest Hits, so i listend to it too...   My favourite 5   5. Mamma Mia 4. Voulez Vous 3. SOS 2. Fernando 1. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!   ...but to be honest, (just like my daughter), I like all of them (for example Take a Chance on Me is just such a great song), and back in the 80s when it was released for the first time the Rolling Stone Magazine summed it up for me...:   "...there are more infectious melodies, grabby ho



"no Honey, I Don't Feel Like It Tonight...."

I had this today in my inbox, and thought its pretty funny...   This was written by a guy... it's pretty damn smart. Girls -- Have a sense of humour! I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women diffe so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing.I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart.     FOR EXAMPLE:   One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up,



Stats Or Where Are All These People Coming From...

I posted some stats in the gallery, pretty interesting stuff, or did you know that there are plenty of Phillipinos visiting Unrv.com regulary? That there is something called Lambeth? That Tasmania has the internet?   enjoy...



Carnuntum - 2000 Years Old!

The cover story is about the 2000 year celebration for Carnuntum.   Exatly 2000 years ago, Carnuntum was founded by Tiberius, and just a few years later it became one of the biggest cities of the Roman Empire. The austrian television is in the process of making a documentary of Carnuntum. They invited reenactors from all over Europe to participate in this film. The same people who make this had made in the past the award winning documentary of Oetzi the Iceman, so i am sure this will be fantas



World War 2 Memories - Pow Post

Here we have a post card from a P.O.W Camp in Halstead Essex, the Camps name is Hasford Lodge. It must be a friend (comrade?) from my grandpa that is still a P.O.W in England while my grandpa is already at home (he was a P.O.W in the USA).   The postal system must be fairly ok at the time, because at the back it says, "got your letter from the 18th September" and this one is dated 29th of September... Other then that he only asks if he (my grandpa) already got married...   This letter was a



World War 2 Memories

I recently discovered some old stuff from my grandpa (who passed away about 10 years ago) in the attic. It is mostly photographs, postcards and war related documents from 1932 to 1948. I thought i share some images i scanned today over the next few weeks in my personal series "WWII Memories".   The first image i scanned today is actually rather unspectacular. A simple postcard from end of January 1944. From someone unknown to me (Dr.med. Elisabeth Obladen) to my grandma. It is stamped in Stutt



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