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Whats In A Name?



What is it about Christmas? All of a sudden the town center is full of people ambling about clogging up the pavement. Millions of them. They're everywhere. Where do these people come from? Is there a warehouse somewhere that stores them until the festive season? Are our motorways clogged every year by mass distribution of shoppers?


Someone in town called out to me. I couldn't see who it was given the swarms of shoppers sweeping majestically across the road. She used my real name which is something increasingly rare these days. Omitting the usual taunts and insults, I've been called Gary, Paul, and Alan. UT of course has called me Alfie. At my previous job, there was a jovial woman of afro-carribean origin we shall know as Miss J, who for some unknown reason decided my name was Alfred, a name which stuck and became my nickname there. I asked Miss J why she called me that. She said - "You look like an Alfred". Ask a stupid question.


So as usual, I enter the office to collect paperwork for the days stock check. "Sooooo.... Alfred..." She would say as soon as she spotted me, and then she would ask personal questions right in front of the assembled staff going about their business. Did I detect some interest here? I did indeed, and for the period of my stay there my boss, DS, considered me betrothed. Don't get me wrong, Miss J is a friendly sort, but you know how something raises hairs on the back of your neck? Ok, I've no reason to believe she's a cannibal, nor is she an axe-murderess, nor does she keep giant mutant spiders as pets. So why did DS smile mischievously whenever Miss J wiggled at me?


Strange Goings On In Rushey Platt

Up until now I always doubted Santa existed. Not any more. Today I spotted one of his minions, a green clad elf in a blue van, driving through Rushey Platt. I gave him a salute, and he returned a big smiley grin. Now I know. The North Pole is a clever ruse to put investigators off the scent. The real location of Santa's HQ is Rushey Platt. Ideally placed in central southern England with easy access to the motorway. I have a horrible feeling I once worked in his grotto without realising. It would explain a few things...



Santa has been spotted! Yes, its true, he was seen just now obtaining money from a hole in the wall machine. I knew I was right. That means he must have parked the sleigh somewhere near here.... But not at the car dealer with a Ferrari 360 in the rough part of town. Apparently I can come back when I've got


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If you do manage to bump into old St Nick on your travels will you do me a big favour and just remind him not to forget the Nintendo DS lite in pink (please don't forget the pink bit it's more important than life itself!) that my little girl asked Santa for in one of the many letters she's sent him.

Cheers mate I wont forget this!

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Whats In A Name?


Paging Nephele ... you have a call on line 1.


What's in a name? That which we call a nose

By any other name would smell your feet.


-- Nephele

P.S. I'm surprised, G-Man, that you didn't request your vampire name over at Gothic Seinfeld. That one was for you.

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If you do manage to bump into old St Nick on your travels will you do me a big favour and just remind him not to forget the Nintendo DS lite in pink (please don't forget the pink bit it's more important than life itself!) that my little girl asked Santa for in one of the many letters she's sent him.

Cheers mate I wont forget this!


Tell yer what, when he drops the Modena off I'll remind him then :blink:

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