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Little Reminders



Yesterday I was called upon to attend another internet session at the programme centre. Nothing unusual there except of late I've had to sit and wait before they open the room. I mean, don't they know I'm Lord Caldrail and must not be delayed? Apparently not. I had to send them a letter reminding them that I wasn't plain old Mister Caldrail anymore. People do struggle to remember that I notice, unless they intend making light of it like those two single mums I passed in the street.


Yes, ladies, sometimes people do call themselves Lord. Sometimes we get rewarded for doing so,. It's called 'perks of the job'.


Back to the plot. As I sat down a young lady decided to start a conversation with me for no apparent reason. I have to say it's unlikely, as sexy as I am, that she actually fancied me and although it's increasingly common for plebian women to express their mirth at my assumed status, she was genuinely polite and friendly.


I soon learned she had been unemployed longer than me despite her youth. It turns out she was born the day before Halloween. Not sure what the significance of that fact was, but I understand her brother was born on April Fools Day. If anyone can figure out what all this means, please let me know. Just remind me what this was all about.


Reminder Of The Week

Remember to feed your dog everyone. Apparently one guy forgot to feed his for two weeks and was probably eaten by them when he returned home. Personally I think it was a revenge attack for their doggy friends finding their way into a curry, but who am I to say? Clearly hungry dogs are not to messed with. They are, after all, domestic wolves.


I know how rational this idea is. Our dog had to be starved for a day before going to the vet, and made a desperate grab for some chocolate I carelessly had in my hand when it rushed in through the door afterward. Trust me. never come between pets and their food. You will lose.


Mind you, there was one time when the folks were on holiday and left the dog with me. As this wasn't my usual chore I completely forgot to feed him. Realising this mistake in the late evening, I went off to the kitchen and started preparing his bowl of brown goo that dogs have a love/hate relationship with.


I heard his footfalls on the kitchen floor behind me. The dog stared at me with a hilarious look of mystified innocence as if to say "But you don't feed me..."


Phew. Close call there.


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This reminds me of the first time my mom stayed at my apartment to take care of my cat.


Bella is an absolute sweetheart of a cat, but mostly towards me. She's incredibly skittish--also, she's part tortie, so she's a natural spazz. My parents got her as a kitten, but since I was the one at home most of the time, she attached herself to me, emotionally speaking. Cats are funny that way...many are comfortable around people that they see with regularity, but they have one 'master'...of sorts.


When my parents sold the house and I moved out, Bella came with me. My mom (and my dad) would come and visit, but seeing as how I lived in a studio apartment, there wasn't room for them to spend the night...nor the need, really.


I had to go away on a job interview, and so my mom came and stayed a few days at my place to take care of Bella. The story goes that Bella wouldn't go near my mom at first...until her food bowl was empty, and my mom went to go feed her. The pretty kitty took one look at what the new lady was doing, figured that my mom was fine, and decided to cuddle with her.


Then I came home 3 days later...and the new lady was uninteresting. 'Mom' was home :)

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I admit I have no understanding of cat behaviour at all. They remain a complete mystery to me. I do prefer dogs. "Feed me or die". How simple is that to understand? Come 'ere Rover... I SAID.. COME HERE!... Got a titbit for you... Nice little biscuit...

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I'm the same, and I've gone on record in saying that, although I love my cat because she is so sweet...my next pet will be a dog. I do better with pack animals, as a rule. Besides, they're fun to bring on trips to the park or the beach...cats, well, not so much. They don't exactly respond to a leash well.

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