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  • Aug 18

    First Vinalia

    The Vinalia were Roman festivals in honour of Jupiter and Venus. The first was held on August 19, and the second on May 1. The Vinalia of August 19, in which gardens were dedicated to Venus and vegetable-growers

  • Aug 20


    The Consuales Ludi or Consualia is a festival instituted by Romulus, which honors Consus, the god of counsel, and the one who protects the harvest which is in storage at the time of the festival, which took place about the middle of Sextilis (see 21 August). According to Livy the festival honors Neptune. The harvest grains were stored in underground vaults, and the temple of Consus was also underg

  • Aug 22


    Vulcan (Latin: Vulcanus), aka Mulciber, is the god of beneficial and hindering fire, including the fire of volcanoes in ancient Roman religion and Roman Neopaganism. He is known as Sethlans in Etruscan mythology. He was worshipped at an annual festival on August 23 known as the Volcanalia.   The god belongs to the most ancient stage of Roman religion: Varro citing the Annales Maximi, recalls tha

  • Aug 24


    On August 25, the Opiconsivia (or Opeconsiva or Opalia) Roman festival was held in honor of Ops, usually known as Opis, and sometimes as Opus.   Opiconsivia was another name of Opis. And this name also was given to December 19, on which day the Opalia were celebrated, in her honor (some mention also August 10 and December 9). The Latin word consivia (or consiva) derives from conserere ("to sow")

  • Aug 26


    Volturnalia was the Roman festival on August 27 dedicated to Volturnus, 'god of the waters,' god of fountains. Volturnus was a tribal river god who later was identified as god of the Tiber river. The Volturnus River, in southern Italy, is named for him. Volturnus was the father of the goddess Juturna, who was first identified with a spring in Latium near the Numicus River and later with a pool nea

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