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Rameses the Great

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Posts posted by Rameses the Great

  1. The Lithuanians had nothing to do with Rome, because the Romans did not cross the Rhine. Since Varus lost to the Germans the Romans stopped their advance. I do have an idea on the Lithuanians check out the Scthians at that time of the Romans.

  2. "Anyhow, Uncle Adolph, late of Barbaria, set up SS centers to 'breed' the tall, blond haired, blue eyed type. Went so far as to abduct Polish kids, who fit the type. That head didn't come near fitting the type."


    I'm sorry I do not know how you can call an evil Adolph Hitler who did such evils Uncle Adolph, that is insensitive and not right.

  3. I believe that many of the Romans were Celts looking for a permanent home. They just had the idea of building a civilization and living a civilized life. That might explain why most Italians are like that. I am not saying that most Italians are like this. In southern Italy Samnites may have dominated the area. The problem is in northen Italy it has been dated to come from northern area potentially reaching Gaul and the semi civilzed Dacians. (Also the idea of Greek influence could have sparked civilization.)

  4. Your heritage does not depend on your looks. I'm an Egyptian you may think I'm dark and have dark hair. Your right, I do, I have really dark brown hair and olive oil skin. But a lot of my family have red hair, pale skin, and blue and hazel eyes. This is just a feature spread by the nordic culture. I do not consider myself to have celtic or nordic blood in my family. I purely state that I have Egyptian roots. Remember Vikings spread their influences very far because of great navigational skills and ships. Nords have undoubtedly been to the Mediterranian, and maybe longer ago than we think. Remember King Ramesese has been proven to have red hair even through dna testing, and I'm sure even more Italians have this.

  5. So, yes, anyway, the first Turkic visitor to the Roman Empire will surely have been a Hun: they arrived in Europe far earlier than any other Turkic speakers. Thank you!


    The Turks knew the Romans way before any Huns came around. Turks were undoubtedly forced into slavery Asia Minor beeing very close to the Romans. On the other hand the Indians so far away that the only western civilzation to reach them is Persian, by no means were slaves to Romans. The only reason Romans remotely knew Indians existed at that time was from the trde route from Egypt. India is a lot closer to China then the Mediterranian. No Roman had set foot in India 'till Marco Polo many centuries later.

  6. The Mecedonian kings at that time had nothing to do with Persian invasion of Greece. Macedonia could care less with Romans entering their frontier. Much later Alexander took over Persia itself. So the Greek city states even though there was concern of Persians were not too concerned. Why would Sparta fear an attack the Persians knew that their warriors were trained from infancy. The Pelopennesian league was never in any danger by the Athenians they must have felt danger so they attacked. Same thing with the Persians they may have thought that Athens was week and thought they would cruise to ane easy victory. Athens was indeed a power in the Mediterranian and the Persians learned that the hard way.

  7. The Greeks never asked for Sparta's help when Persian planned an invasion of Athens. The only time the Spartans and Athenians teamed up was when the Persians planned an invasion of Greece. The Perisians were not hard to defeat at all. Although they had superior numbers the Atenians had a great weapon in massive walls of phalanx. When Persia planned this all the Greeks did was scrap up an army of militia. Honestly don't you think the hevily armoured phalanx of Athens really needed help defeating the short sworded nicely clothed men of Persia?

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