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Everything posted by Pertinax

  1. Are the female members still technically their husbands' or paterfamilias' property ?
  2. Ill make it clear that I vote for The Wall as the "official meet" for 2008..as you say we can pm for a drink, er sorry I mean " informal discussion of Romanophile literarture". I certainly acknowledge your point about organising more meetings, I wish to avoid anyone feeling obligated to carry the weight of that, and I understand what you have said. I hope we might find younger members coming through with ideas and suggestions for the future.Ive kept a lowish profile as I felt the first meet was quite strictly timetabled by myself ,(as we were finding our way ) my thinking being that , now we have an idea of personalities and interests we can be a little more relaxed (though not disorganised) in our general approach. At some time ill kick off a UK "social" thread so we can talk food and pubs , and who is backing Caldrail in his next tournament.
  3. I just wished to mention Bath and Chester as possible "social" meet locations. Though both have substantial roman relevance.
  4. That alll sounds quite reasonable, its very early but we must plan ahead. AC Please do kick off a thread and we can all turn the thing over in public for a while.
  5. They will need to roll both trouser legs up, stand on a box and pin a frog to their lapels.
  6. This is most interesting: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20071012/tts...-bed299d_2.html look at the work that is going into this project!
  7. Thats right, or we will come round and steal all your sheep .And women , (if the sheep arent fat enough). Oh yes and take all your beer.
  8. Caesar versus Brutus...this time its up close and personal! Heligobalus versus Caligula... more nuts than a fruit cake! Titus versus Tamara...dont lose your head!
  9. The fates conspired at every turn, sorry to hear that AC. Are you going for The Wall as the "main UK meet 2008?"
  10. At last the "dormouse moment", or do I smell a rat? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle2617388.ece
  11. Very interesting, I've never even heard it mention before. How much people are counted to have lived in the Roman empire at this time? One quarter to one third doesn't' tell me too much in all honesty (Except that we are talking in millions). Alas we have little information on this "episode" unlike the Justinian event (or series of events), which are much more closely chronicled and described. I have a review pending on the matter (as soon as my PC woes are resolved).
  12. No metaphorical spitting, chewing or slouching from now on the Domina is on the Aventine.
  13. I really can't think of anyone called Gaius you could call Frutex round here...
  14. Hannibal Lecher? No , lecherous cannibal.
  15. A link from a chum of mine in California, who was nearly knocked off his bicycle by missiles from this apparatus: http://www.trebuchet.com/ I jest ye not.
  16. As a side note I have posted a small blog album offsite at my MSN home link (click below) "The Polybolus of Dionysus" , this shows some further technical details that may be of interest to the mechanically minded.
  17. Infamy ! Infamy! Theyve all got it infamy! It was Tamara, Queenie of the Goths she asked me if I liked her tattoos.
  18. Ripe with years, drink beer, sniffle not.
  19. Whitby was a popular Victorian centre for this trade, http://www.whitbyjet.co.uk/shop/catpages/misc.html this is jewellery and other minor things, but many 19th C pieces are still highly sought after.
  20. Before making any other comments , I would say that if Corbridge and Vindolanda (via the Mithraium at Proccolitta) were on the menu for the same day then that would be enough for a lot of people. Chesters is already "done"?
  21. Drink a grappa to help the cell!
  22. Sorry about that GOC , but I had to ask! You cant get a room for love nor money when the run is on. Westgate Road is I believe wholly built over in the centre of Newcastle, but AC is your "local man on the spot", and very knowledgable on all matters relating to The Wall. Northern Neil is also outstanding on construction details, but hes been rather tied up off forum lately. My gallery area here has shots of some of the sites in the "historical sites" album. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...bum&album=9
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