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Rome Senate

roman wargamer

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after Julius Caesar victory , he raise the number into 900. the Roman senate.

but the free grains reduce from 300,000 into 150,000 only.

any topic or opinion of its overall effect.


"whats the number of senator?"


whats the number on patriarch? on the foundation of Rome?


on the republic time?


and on the time of Augustus the 1st emperor.


and how about the knight or equites population?

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well at julius caesars death it was probly almost 1000 then the power struggle reduced it to about 700 (the ones left on octavians side) and then augustus would reduce the number a couple of times to about 5-6 hundred...i think this is close to the number during most of the years of the republic-550ish. correct me if im wrong

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Why did he reduce the free grains???did he want people to starve or did he want people who could afford to pay,pay for it?? thx L

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and then augustus would reduce the number a couple of times to about 5-6 hundred...i think this is close to the number during most of the years of the republic-550ish. correct me if im wrong

Yes, 600 was the basis throughout the imperial period, but the number did fluctuate somewhat depending on the needs or whims of the Emperors.


(Senators) on the republic time?


Originally, under Romulus and the early Kings the Senate supposedly consisted of 100 member, but this of course is debatable. In the Republican period it was established at 300 members and this number increased to 600 gradually. As suggested in another post, Caesar increased the roles dramatically, but Augustus reduced it back to 600 after a relatively short period. Of course, after Caesar, the proscriptions of the Triumvirs as well as those killed in the civil wars, drastically reduced the number of Senators anyway, so 900 was likely only the number in theory, not practice.


and how about the knight or equites population?



Really impossible to determine. In the earliest part of the Republic the eques represented those wealthier members of society who actually owned horses and served as the Roman cavalry. As time passed (and the Roman cavalry proved to be far inferior to Gallic and Germanic auxilia) the eques really came to define those members of society who had the wealth to serve in that capacity if needed. There were assuredly thousands of them. There are references to as many as 500 equites living in small towns like Patavium and Gades in Baetica (Spain). If such small towns could be home to so many, then Rome must've been home to several thousand itself.

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