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Voting and Religion in England

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I just saw the turnout for some sort of election in England, a 36% turnout..... and it got me thinking, isn't the turnout in churches about..... the same there?


I'm not going to claim its the same population completely, but has anyone ever investigated the overlap percentages via polling data?


Its commonly reported that the English are going away.... where to, hard to say.... religion is on the decline there, and European countries feel confused and awkward with a hugh influx of immigrants. I just take this to assume, in the 19th century, your average Brit was a uniformed, sunburnt WASP, but in the 22nd will be naturally dark skinned and will watch on the 'tele' the shah be crowned at West Minister Mosque.....


How true this is, I don't really know. Never been to England, a high population island where everyone has to ride on double decker buses because the streets are too crowded, and who's greatest culinary dish is called Spotted Dick has little appeal to me, sounds like a great place to get Tetnus. Plus, you have that Mr. Bean fellow, and Prince Harry. I'm thinking perhaps its a good thing England is doing a voluntary population switch over.


Joking aside..... honestly..... is it the same people who vote coincidentally the ones who still go to church? Is Democracy as precarious as Religion in England? Will only the nobility both to vote and go to Church in a hundred years?

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It's local and European elections, turn out is always low. For the last general election I had to queue for 20 minutes and some folk didn't get to vote because the ballot closed before they could get in.

36 per cent going to church here? More like 10 per cent I'd say.


Spotted dick is lovely by the way but sticky toffee pudding is better, yum.

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No, I know the Netherlands is above England, and is in the 30s, Sweden is 2% for the Church of Sweden.... for very obvious reasons, it's completely alienated the Christains, who happen to be a small yet influential faction in Christian Churches.... 


10% of England is Muslim, and they hit the mosque still regularly, I talk to a British I am on a Sri Lankan email group.... so Muslims alone get it past your 10% low. C of  E has always been a bit.... boring. I honestly can't blame people from fleeing government sponsored politically correct religious formulations. The US comes from the same root theological stock, but thrives largely from NOT wanting anything to do with state sponsored religion.


It is totally beyond me as an American how Europe can tolerate government interference in what should be a independent part of society so crucial for long term ethical stability and intellectual growth.


I figure in Europe at least, the two populations.... those who vote and those who vote, would largely be the same. It has to do with a sense of the future, concern as well as a particularized Faith in your responsibility and capacity to vote and make change, or do good deeds in life. 


Europe also has these religious political parties that bother me..... makes no sense if the population is declining, Faith is declining, to have religious oriented political parties. I'd feel weird voting for a 'Catholic Party' or some Christian coalition..... I'd be scratching my head saying your nuts if you think I'm voting for such a thing. You should already be normal if your a politician.... you can be a Mormon, Buddhist, Wiccan even..... I can accept it, but be consistent and reflective in it. I couldn't trust a politician with a obvious void in their heart.  But a bunch of fake atheists pretending to a religious party makes me sick. Why bother?

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I think you might be overstating it,. Can't say the current government has any part to play in religion at all, yes by history we have a state religion but it has no powers. Just like by history we have a monarch who also has no power.

And the state religion c of e is extremely critical of the government, so pretty independent then.

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