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Roman Polytheism in Modern Times

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It would appear to me that Roman Polytheism has retained much of its prevalence since antiquity, particularly in the West; one example being the naming of three months of the year after Roman gods, namely January, (after Janus, the god of beginnings and endings) June, (after Juno, the queen of the gods) and March (after Mars, the god of war). Another example of Roman polytheism's prevalence in the West, is during the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, seven of the nine planets in our solar system were named after Roman gods, namely the planets Jupiter, (the god of the sky and thunder and the king of the gods,) Mars (the god of war and a protector of borders,) Mercury (the god of commerce and eloquence,) Venus (the goddess of beauty and fertility,) Saturn (the god of wealth and agriculture,) Neptune (the god of freshwater and of the sea,) and Pluto (the god of the underworld and the judge of the dead). There is also the "Lady Justice" statue. The statue of a blindfolded woman that is holding a scale in one hand, and a sword in the other, is a representation of the Roman goddess Justitia, the daughter of Jupiter and the goddess of justice. Furthermore, there are notable business enterprises named after Roman gods e.g. Mars Inc., and Janus Corp that show how attractive Roman polytheistic gods are to business strategists.

While mostly Christian in regards to religion, the West has certainly embraced Roman polytheism in the way of naming historically significant entities after them.

Edited by OptimusMaximusFortissimo
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