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Index to Roman Surnames


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The following is an index to my Roman Surnames series, in which I have attempted to list and define the various surnames used by notable gentes of the Republic.


For the purpose of this list, I have included cognomina, adoptive cognomina, and agnomina under the collective term of "surnames."


This index, as also my Roman Surnames series, is a work in progress. Surnames will continue to be added to this index with each addition of a gens to my series.


Acidinus: Surnames of the Manlii

Acisculus: Surnames of the Valerii

Aemilianus: Surnames of the Cornelii, Surnames of the Fabii, Surnames of the Livii

Aeserninus: Surnames of the Claudii

Africanus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Agelastus: Surnames of the Licinii

Ahala: Surnames of the Servilii

Albinus: Surnames of the Junii

Albus: Surnames of the Fabii

Allobrogicus: Surnames of the Fabii

Ambustus: Surnames of the Fabii

Antias: Surnames of the Valerii

Arquetius: Surnames of the Claudii

Arquitius: Surnames of the Claudii

Arvina: Surnames of the Cornelii

Asellio: Surnames of the Sempronii

Asellus: Surnames of the Claudii

Asiagenus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Asiaticus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Asina: Surnames of the Cornelii

Atratinus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Atticus: Surnames of the Manlii

Augur: Surnames of the Cornelii

Augustus: Surnames of the Julii

Axilla: Surnames of the Servilii

Balbus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Barbatus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Barbula: Surnames of the Aemilii

Blaesus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Blasio: Surnames of the Cornelii

Brocchus: Surnames of the Servilii

Brutus: Surnames of the Junii, Surnames of the Servilii

Bubulcus: Surnames of the Junii

Buca: Surnames of the Aemilii

Bucco: Surnames of the Licinii

Bursio: Surnames of the Julii

Buteo: Surnames of the Fabii

Caecus: Surnames of the Claudii

Caepio: Surnames of the Servilii

Caesar: Surnames of the Julii

Callaecus: Surnames of the Junii

Callaicus: Surnames of the Junii

Calussa: Surnames of the Cornelii

Calvus: Surnames of the Cornelii, Surnames of the Licinii

Canina: Surnames of the Claudii

Capitolinus: Surnames of the Manlii

Casca: Surnames of the Servilii

Cato: Surnames of the Porcii, Surnames of the Valerii

Catullus: Surnames of the Valerii

Caudex: Surnames of the Claudii

Caudinus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Censorius: Surnames of the Porcii

Centho: Surnames of the Claudii

Cento: Surnames of the Claudii

Centumalus: Surnames of the Claudii

Cethegus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Cicero: Surnames of the Claudii

Cincinnatus: Surnames of the Manlii

Cinna: Surnames of the Cornelii

Claudianus: Surnames of the Livii

Clineas: Surnames of the Claudii

Clodianus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Corculum: Surnames of the Cornelii

Corvinus: Surnames of the Valerii

Corvus: Surnames of the Valerii

Cossus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Crassinus: Surnames of the Claudii

Crassus: Surnames of the Claudii, Surnames of the Licinii

Crus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Cruscellio: Surnames of the Cornelii

Cunctator: Surnames of the Fabii

Damasippus: Surnames of the Junii, Surnames of the Licinii

Demetrias: Surnames of the Julii

Denter: Surnames of the Livii

Dives: Surnames of the Licinii

Dolabella: Surnames of the Cornelii

Dorso: Surnames of the Fabii

Dorsuo: Surnames of the Fabii

Drusus: Surnames of the Claudii, Surnames of the Livii

Eburnus: Surnames of the Fabii

Esquilinus: Surnames of the Licinii

Falco: Surnames of the Valerii

Falto: Surnames of the Valerii

Felix: Surnames of the Cornelii

Fidenas: Surnames of the Servilii

Flaccus: Surnames of the Valerii

Flamen: Surnames of the Claudii

Fulvianus: Surnames of the Manlii

Gaetulicus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Gallaecus: Surnames of the Junii

Gallus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Geminus: Surnames of the Servilii

Geta: Surnames of the Licinii

Getha: Surnames of the Licinii

Glaber: Surnames of the Claudii

Glaucia: Surnames of the Servilii

Glicia: Surnames of the Claudii

Globulus: Surnames of the Servilii

Glycias: Surnames of the Claudii

Gracchanus: Surnames of the Junii

Gracchus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Gurges: Surnames of the Fabii

Hadrianus: Surnames of the Fabii

Helenus: Surnames of the Julii

Hispallus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Hispaniensis: Surnames of the Fabii

Hispanus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Hortator: Surnames of the Claudii

Imbrex: Surnames of the Licinii

Imperiosus: Surnames of the Manlii

Inregillensis: Surnames of the Claudii

Isauricus: Surnames of the Servilii

Iullus: Surnames of the Julii

Iulus: Surnames of the Julii

Iuncus: Surnames of the Junii

Iunianus: Surnames of the Licinii

Jullus: Surnames of the Julii

Julus: Surnames of the Julii

Juncus: Surnames of the Junii

Junianus: Surnames of the Licinii

Labeo: Surnames of the Fabii

Lactuca: Surnames of the Valerii

Lactucinus: Surnames of the Valerii

Laeca: Surnames of the Porcii

Laevinus: Surnames of the Valerii

Lentinus: Surnames of the Manlii

Lentulus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Lepidus: Surnames of the Aemilii, Surnames of the Claudii

Libo: Surnames of the Julii, Surnames of the Livii

Licinianus: Surnames of the Porcii

Licinus: Surnames of the Fabii, Surnames of the Porcii

Livianus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Longus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Longus: Surnames of the Manlii, Surnames of the Servilii

Lucullus: Surnames of the Licinii

Lupus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Macatus: Surnames of the Livii

Macedonicus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Macer: Surnames of the Licinii

Maluginensis: Surnames of the Cornelii

Mamercinus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Mamercus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Mamilianus: Surnames of the Livii

Mammula: Surnames of the Cornelii

Mancinus: Surnames of the Manlii

Manlianus: Surnames of the Junii

Marcellinus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Marcellus: Surnames of the Claudii

Maximus: Surnames of the Fabii, Surnames of the Valerii

Mento: Surnames of the Julii

Merenda: Surnames of the Cornelii

Merula: Surnames of the Cornelii

Messala: Surnames of the Valerii

Mocilla: Surnames of the Julii

Mucianus: Surnames of the Licinii

Murena: Surnames of the Licinii

Musca: Surnames of the Sempronii

Nasica: Surnames of the Cornelii

Nero: Surnames of the Claudii

Nerva: Surnames of the Licinii

Niger: Surnames of the Cornelii, Surnames of the Valerii

Norbanus: Surnames of the Junii

Numida: Surnames of the Aemilii

Ocella: Surnames of the Livii

Octavianus: Surnames of the Julii

Orca: Surnames of the Valerii

Ovicula: Surnames of the Fabii

Paciacus: Surnames of the Junii

Paciaecus: Surnames of the Junii

Papus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Paullus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Paulus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Pennus: Surnames of the Junii

Pera: Surnames of the Junii

Pictor: Surnames of the Fabii

Pitio: Surnames of the Sempronii

Pollio: Surnames of the Licinii

Ponticus: Surnames of the Licinii

Poplicola: Surnames of the Valerii

Porcina: Surnames of the Aemilii

Potitus: Surnames of the Valerii

Praeconinus: Surnames of the Valerii

Priscus: Surnames of the Manlii, Surnames of the Porcii, Surnames of the Servilii

Privernas: Surnames of the Aemilii

Procillus: Surnames of the Valerii

Publicola: Surnames of the Valerii

Pulcher: Surnames of the Claudii

Pulex: Surnames of the Servilii

Pullus: Surnames of the Junii

Regillensis: Surnames of the Claudii

Regillus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Rufinus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Rufus: Surnames of the Cornelii, Surnames of the Sempronii, Surnames of the Valerii

Rullianus: Surnames of the Fabii

Rullus: Surnames of the Fabii, Surnames of the Servilii

Russus: Surnames of the Claudii

Rutilus: Surnames of the Cornelii, Surnames of the Sempronii

Sabinus: Surnames of the Claudii

Sacerdos: Surnames of the Licinii

Salinator: Surnames of the Julii, Surnames of the Livii

Salonianus: Surnames of the Porcii

Salutio: Surnames of the Cornelii

Salvitto: Surnames of the Cornelii

Sanga: Surnames of the Fabii

Sapiens: Surnames of the Porcii

Scaeva: Surnames of the Junii

Scapula: Surnames of the Cornelii

Scaurus: Surnames of the Aemilii

Scipio: Surnames of the Cornelii

Senator: Surnames of the Fabii

Serapio: Surnames of the Cornelii

Sergianus: Surnames of the Manlii

Servilianus: Surnames of the Fabii

Sibylla: Surnames of the Cornelii

Silanus: Surnames of the Junii

Sisenna: Surnames of the Cornelii

Sophus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Soranus: Surnames of the Valerii

Spinther: Surnames of the Cornelii

Stolo: Surnames of the Licinii

Strabo: Surnames of the Julii, Surnames of the Licinii

Structus: Surnames of the Servilii

Sulla: Surnames of the Cornelii

Sura: Surnames of the Cornelii

Sylla: Surnames of the Cornelii

Tappo: Surnames of the Valerii

Tegula: Surnames of the Licinii

Torquatus: Surnames of the Manlii

Triarius: Surnames of the Valerii

Tucca: Surnames of the Servilii

Tuditanus: Surnames of the Sempronii

Unimanus: Surnames of the Claudii

Uritinus: Surnames of the Cornelii

Uticensis: Surnames of the Porcii

Varus: Surnames of the Licinii

Vatia: Surnames of the Servilii

Vergilianus: Surnames of the Fabii

Verrucosus: Surnames of the Fabii

Vestalis: Surnames of the Claudii

Vibulanus: Surnames of the Fabii

Virgilianus: Surnames of the Fabii

Volso: Surnames of the Manlii

Volusus: Surnames of the Valerii

Vopiscus: Surnames of the Julii

Vulso: Surnames of the Manlii


-- Nephele

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Thanks, Klingan and Formosus!


I have so far defined 234 surnames of the Republic (including spelling variations), and I'm currently working on my next gens, which will add some more names to this list.


-- Nephele

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