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Learn in your car Arabic

We don't always have time to read up and study a language no matter how much we might like to. A busy daily schedule of work and family does not always allow one to actually sit down and learn a language.

What better way then to learn Arabic than on your way to work and back home! There are a variety of language courses that focus on just that, Arabic courses on audio tapes and CD's with short lessons... and all that while you drive in your car.

"Colloquial Arabic" is a collective term for the spoken languages or dialects of people throughout the Arab world, which, as mentioned, differ radically from the literary language. The main dialectal division is between the Maghreb dialects and those of the Middle East, followed by that between sedentary dialects and the much more conservative Bedouin dialects. Maltese, though descended from Arabic, is considered a separate language.

Speakers of some of these dialects are unable to converse with speakers of another dialect of Arabic; in particular, while Middle Easterners can generally understand one another, they often have trouble understanding Maghrebis (although the converse is not true, due to the popularity of Middle Eastern—especially Egyptian—films and other media).

One factor in the differentiation of the dialects is influence from the languages previously spoken in the areas, which have typically provided a significant number of new words, and have sometimes also influenced pronunciation or word order; however, a much more significant factor for most dialects is, as among Romance languages, retention (or change of meaning) of different classical forms. Thus Iraqi aku, Levantine fiih, and North African kayen all mean "there is", and all come from Arabic (yakuun, fiihi, kaa'in respectively), but now sound very different.

The Arabic alphabet derives from the Aramaic script (which variety - Nabataean or Syriac - is a matter of scholarly dispute), to which it bears a loose resemblance like that of Coptic or Cyrillic script to Greek script. Traditionally, there were several differences between the Western (Maghrebi) and Eastern version of the alphabet—in particular, the fa and qaf had a dot underneath and a single dot above respectively in the Maghreb, and the order of the letters was slightly different (at least when they were used as numerals). However, the old Maghrebi variant has been abandoned except for calligraphic purposes in the Maghreb itself, and remains in use mainly in the Quranic schools (zaouias) of West Africa. Arabic, like other Semitic languages, is written from right to left.

Below you will find a collection of "Learn in your car Arabic". We hope it proves to be useful for your goal to learn while you are in your car.

Arabic language courses for people on the go

Audio CD Living Language In-Flight Arabic is the perfect boarding pass to learning Arabic before you land. Short lessons make In-Flight Arabic easy to use. Audio CD - This interactive CD-Rom will guide you through the Arabic alphabet. Provides you with enough skills to read Arabic words and short sentences. Audio Cassette - Many of the nouns are useful, and the quality of the recorded voices is first class. Also, the classical music enhancement is awesome. With Transparent Complete Edition, you get a comprehensive language learning solution. Five learning products in one affordable package. Audio CD - At last an Arabic CD course which requires no reading and which teaches you to actually speak universal Arabic in a minimum of time and effort.

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