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The Redemption of Pontius Pilate by Lewis Ben Smith


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The Redemption of Pontius Pilate by Lewis Ben Smith

Book Review by Thomas A. Timmes 


Pontius Pilate. Who is he and why should I read a book about him? Will this book add to my general knowledge of history and Roman history in particular? I know he’s mentioned several times in the Bible’s New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to be specific, and has a 2,000 year reputation as a bad guy. Is there more to know? The answer is yes, quite a bit, as I discovered.  I learned that the author did not have to create the story or characters out of whole cloth. Quite a lot is known about Pilate from the accounts of Flavius Josephus, Philo, the Jewish philosopher, who is openly hostile to Pilate, Tactitus’ Annals of Imperial Rome, the writings of several early Christian church fathers such as Tertullian, and Jewish archival records...


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