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Mediobogdvm (hardknott)

Finally I have been able to get to the site of Mediobogdvm. This is the best preserved site in Cumbria south of the Wall.The earliest fort is likely to have been Trajanic , and finished under Hadrian. The initial Hadrianic garrison was the 4th Cohort of Dalmatiae. The fort may well have been one of those abandoned during the reign of Antoninus Pius , as troops pushed northward into modern Scotland to secure a new frontier at the Antonine Wall.The fort was reoccupied circa 160 AD and appears to



Falconry Expedition

Prithee: Note well that Pertinax will be much Engagde in Venerye the Morrowe..   so what do we have here? Amedieval shopping list?   Emperor :The Eagle, Vulture and Merloun / Lady : The Marlyon King : The Ger Falcon and Tercel of the Ger Falcon / Young Man :The Hobby Prince :The Falcon Gentle and the Tercel Gentle / Yeoman :The Goshawk Duke : The Falcon of the Rock (coastal type) / Poor Man :The Jercel (male goshawk) Earl : The Falcon Peregrine



Falconry Part 2

A most excellent days excursion . I was unable to fly any bird to the lure on this trip, as the resident Peregrine is now retired and of pensionable age-a shame , because they strike hard and you need to have your nerves still and head calm as they swoop in at speed, all very exhilarating if it comes off well. The weather was warm and calm, so that ruled out any possibility of flying the vultures , as decent thermals are needed to get them airborne , also the large Lappet Vulture was resting du



Cilvirnvm (2)

Chester's Fort (that is on Hadrian's Wall not Deva the Fort at Chester!) is the subject of a second visit. The collection of artefacts in the site museum repays scrutiny , many are altars and inscriptions of great value saved by local antiquarians working only with private resources and a love of history. That these items are now in the custody of English Hertiage at least means theft and dispoilation cannot befall them.   I dont intend to post the majority of shots in UNRV , rather a selectio



LEG II AVG at Bremmetenacum

The annual visit of the II Augusta to Ribchester (their furthest North from their south coast HQ) is taking place this weekend . http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1787 http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1790 I was able to get some more useful shots of the proceedings which will appear in the gallery and then also in bulk on my external blog.This year the event was enlivened by the presence of the Legion's sub-unit of horsemen . As always the re-enac



Vesuvius to Brigantia

How odd that another brief stroll should , this time without a hangover , should present me with what is now a commonplace weed in Britain that has a very exotic origin. Oxford Ragwort (Senecio squalidus) is a threat to any small grazing animal and non-too kind to humans . Immature animals can die from consuming the plant and humans can have a nasty reaction to contact on account of the toxins it contains.The toxic priciple is alkaloid and tends to poison by causing the liver to fix too much



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