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The Veneto and Verona



Hello to everyone after my unfortunate absence , here is a short blog to get me back into the swing of things.

A long European jorney took me via Koln, Frankfurt, Zurich and Innsbruck to Verona and the Venetian Carnival. Verona has the second largest surviving amphitheatre outside of Rome, and what a joy it is to behold in mellow sunlight. One might imagine that Theatre is worn and fragile with antiquity, however under a patina of weathering the massive structure retains its basic integrity and is used as a major venue for opera. I sat alone in the upper rows of the theatre on one of the huge stone blocks that constitute the visible inner finish of the auditorium, the sheer weight of the structure is impressive , its beauty is sublime.Here we have a shot of the interior, (quite suitable for an appearence by Caldrail id say) http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=2132



This is a shot of the surviving part of the outer curtain wall, even without this structure the remaining edifice is impressive. The whole mood of the place is one of mellow maturity, I have attached some general shots of the Town which give a good idea of the relaxed ambience. Also extant are remains of the Roman town gates, two such exist , the Porta Leoni http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...p;img=2129(with exposed groundworks showing the usual considerable change in levels from the original construction to modern street level) and the Porta de Borsarii ( a later medieval name for an early structure)






Well worth a visit.Oh the carnevale?


Some more to follow I think.


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Glad to see that your peripatetic wanderings have finally brought you back home to UNRV! What sights you've seen! The ruins were wonderful, and I'd also love to see more pictures of those carnevale costumes!


Welcome back, Pertinax!


-- Nephele

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