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Even more motivation



The day had been typical for a weekend. Went to the Farmer's Market and the store in the morning, got started on laundry and cleaning, ate lunch, and finished the chores. The last thing to do, usually, is sweep up the backyard. My landlord essentially neglects it, and since I look onto the yard from my kitchen window, I've been taking it upon myself to tidy things up. Well, what I can, anyway.


After finishing up in the back, I went to enter the apartment again through my back door. It's bolted. Ok, WTF? I then realize that the bigger of the slide bolts must have shifted just enough when I closed the door (ok, I admit I kinda slammed it, because it's getting a bit loose...I gotta fix that)...either that, or Bella locked me out. Eh, who knows.


After trying the door several times (and, I'm sure, looking like an eejit), I tried to take the screen off my bathroom window; I keep the window cracked for ventilation, and if I could take off the screen, I could climb in and unlock the door. Well, I guess I should be thankful that I couldn't get it off, but at the moment I wasn't. So I moved to the kitchen window. On this long window, the screen isn't locked--yes, it's something that will be fixed soon, either by my landlord or by me. The window was open so Bella could hang out on the sill and cry at the birds and squirrels. I grabbed a bench in the backyard and tried to climb into the kitchen. Easy, right?


Oh my Lord...to be fair, my arms have never been that strong. Oh, my shoulders, chest and back are plenty strong, thanks to years of swimming, but I've never been able to do one pull-up. Yeah, that just bit me in the ass...because now I couldn't pull myself in the kitchen through the window. I'm sure it was a sight to see, with my ass hanging out of the window...a Candid Camera moment if ever there was one. I started cussing...not at being locked out, but because after 2 years of losing weight, I had put on almost half of it back in the last 8 months. And, yes, I'm losing weight again, but at this moment in time I'm still more than I want to be. *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*...you get the point. Bella just kept watching me, wondering what the hell it was that I was doing.


Yes, I finally got in--I just got another item to step on--but all I could do afterwards was poke my flab and piss and moan. Not only is my new gym really great, and it's 5 blocks from my apartment, but now I have no excuse. I have but 2 weeks left of class, and after that I can resume my normal workout regime. This will change, dammit! *grumble* *grumble* *grumble* *grumble*


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Might I suggest a doorstop until you get the door fixed.


Bella might get jealous of THIS one though :)


Jealous? If I were Bella, I might say that Pouncing Felix there is one fine fancy feast of feline. Even if he probably is the feline equivalent of a sex toy, "superbly crafted...in black and cream suedette" (whoa, mama!).


-- Nephele

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Uh, keys won't help if the slide bolt is engaged...


Dumbkoph that I am! I forgot about those things. Thought that they went the way of oil lamps. But, still assist my meagre wits:


"After trying the door several times (and, I'm sure, looking like an eejit), I tried to take the screen off my bathroom window; I keep the window cracked for ventilation, and if I could take off the screen, I could climb in and unlock the door."


Do you think that any self respecting intruder would miss this? I guess that the front door was also bolted. Anyway, maybe one of your neighbors has a video of this event that you could share with the Forum.

Oh! I meant to flag you. I'm getting a new A/C. :)



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Might I suggest a doorstop until you get the door fixed.


Bella might get jealous of THIS one though :)


ROFL! She either would pounce it, or run away from it. She's funny that way.


It's an idea that I like...except for the fact that she now pushes against the screen door to go outside...without her harness on. Not a good idea, and she's just skittish enough that I'm afraid of what she'll do. I've got to talk to my dad (a darn good handyman in his own right) to see what can be done...if I leave it to my landlord, nothing will get done. He's great on emergencies, but minor issues he couldn't be bothered.

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I've had some leave to come back to New Zealand from Fiji (I've got a kickarse new job on a tropical island paradise) and tie up some loose ends, and like an eejit I left the keys to some very important heavy machinery IN A WHOLE OTHER COUNTRY. I know how you feel, sis. Being locked out sucks.

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I've had some leave to come back to New Zealand from Fiji (I've got a kickarse new job on a tropical island paradise) and tie up some loose ends, and like an eejit I left the keys to some very important heavy machinery IN A WHOLE OTHER COUNTRY. I know how you feel, sis. Being locked out sucks.


Simple problems have simple solutions. Take the chicken bone out; put a key ring in! Easy! :thumbsup:



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