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Getting Wealthy - Share your Riches



I am doing great, much better then expected and at a much faster rate. (Just got an 20% increase)!!!


I decided that I need some extra Karma ;) , and joined the World Vision Sponsorship, thats 30 Euro a month to support a child in need! This is such a wonderful organization and if you read up on how much my (your) 30 Euro per month can change a whole families life, it makes one really humble. I could choose the gender (I have choosen a girl) the age (below 7 years) and the country (mozambique). Soon i will get per post a folder with all the infos of the little girl i am going to support now. I keep you guys up to date!


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I am not worried about that at all, you can visit the family you support any time, (plenty of reports on the austrian site from people that visited), you get monthly reports, you can exchange letters with them etc... This is one of the most reputable organizations i know of, and i enjoy to see how my relatively small amount can make such an impact in someone elses life. :blink:




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