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Taxing Moments



Rumours of tax rises are doing the rounds. Just what we needed. Now that food has become more expensive, petrol more expensive than ever, and energy prices attempting to land on the moon.


When Tony Blair got Labour into power with white grins and visions and promises of turning over a new leaf, what did we get? A Labour Party with a sneakier gameplan. Instead of taxing people in their wage packets, lets spread the taxes into new territory like pensions, insurance, and travel. When we complained, they said there were plenty of areas left for them to extract our cash. But... Surely there's only so much money left in our pockets? Especially since like all Labour governments they take great pleasure in spending our cash on their own luxuries and pet schemes that get positive headlines and memory loss afterward. So much so that now life is getting hugely more expensive, our tax bill is comparatively worse, and currently we're being taxed more than ever before. Just in time to be taxed even more.


A politician stood up and spoke at the Labour Party Conference going on at the moment and said "What do we have a Labour government for, if not to stand up to those who are greedy?"


Agreed. So you're going to get rid of who exactly?


Letter of the Week

The letter was handed to me by my claims advisor when I signed on yesterday. She grimaced a little, a sure sign I wasn't going to like it. So I read the first paragraph. My quarterly interview at the Job Centre is due. Oh no!! Not my quarterly interview... Please no... Not more waste paper in my hands... I resisted the temptation to screw the letter up and throw it over my shoulder. My interviewer was watching me from a desk nearby. I resisted the temptation to wave hello. I'm such an impulsive creature.


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