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Seeking Treasure



This morning I happened to drop by the library, expecting some light entertainment. It was sheer murder. Teams of children were engaged in a treasure hunt, following clues read out by their adult overseers, running here and there, chanting loudly in that tuneless way that kids do. In particular, one clue revolved around the number of cubicles where I'm sitting, so there's a continual stream of children counting.


"Whats special about cubicle thirty five, children?" Asked the teacher.


You mean apart from me? I turned around indignantly and the children looked nervously with open mouths as what appears to them a shabby monster of a man rouses from his slumber. The temptation to yell BOO! was almost too much, but the expression on their adult companions face was one of don't you dare.


I won't keep you in suspense any more. The speciality of cubilcle thirty five (apart from the US Keyboard setting which is making typing a little more interesting than usual) is that it has a spotlight over it. Now you can all go forward to the next clue. Better hurry. Two hundred children are ahead of you.


Weather Warning of the Week

Last nights forecast was an absolute corker.


"We are expecting a cold snap by the end of the week..." He said with baleful tones.


No kidding. I don't suppose the forecaster has realised that its almost winter? Which treasure chest of climatology did you find this guy? Ok, bring back the dolly birds. They might be clueless too but at least you've got something more than a pastel-coloured cartoon in the background to look at.


Recommended Comments

There are some people who seem blind to it :)


Actually, even though I hate to admit it, our less popular lead guitarist eventually got voted Best Guitarist In The World... in Lithuania. Boy are they starved of music....

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