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Fresh Ingredients



Most of cooking is very quicky and easy. Fifteen minutes and I'm done. Sometimes though when I've got a spare bit of cash I like to prove Jamie Oliver knows absolutely nothing about cooking by reinventing the entire genre in the prvacy of my own home. So it was yesterday, when I happened upon some quality products at tjhe supermarket on sale at bargain prices.


I once remember reading a bit of wisdom that said "Love and cooking such be approached with complete abandon". I've always though sports cars should be added to that list, but for the moment, lets see what I've got in the cupboards to complete my mega-fest of culinary inspiration...... I can see this is goiung to be a challenge.


So having decided on a curious Italian Curry (or is that Indian Chillie?) I resist the temptation to plan it out like a military operation. Pasta in the pot, tins opened, contents washed, and into the pan. Cooker on... You know, I can't believe Gordon Ramsay earns a fortune from doing this....


Then, in a brainwave, I decide that some mint sauce would a great variation on a theme. Where's the bottle.... Can't beleieve I bought this rubbish.... Ahh, there it is. I 've not opened it before, and as so often happens in this situation, the bottle top is stuck fast. Ok, try again, tight grip and twwwwwwiiiiiiiiist....


Emulation of the Week

The bottle tops resistance finally gave way, and it came off so suddenly it lifted clear. Unfortunately, I had the bottle sideways at the time, and....


Oh F....


My attempt to emulate Gordon Ramsay has ended in success.


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My mom bought the latest tome from Jamie Oliver (Cook with Jamie)...at which point my dad asked why, when she has a small library of cookbooks. So she gave it to me...why not? I mean, I truly applaud Jamie's efforts to get people off crappy junk and back to the stuff that works best. I also laud him with praise for trying to make people's lives better with cooking instruction. But the book is a bit think, and not one I need. I wish I had said 'no thanks' and then she would have sold it.


As for the Gordon...I tend to emulate him most every day, in one form or another. Is that a good thing?

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