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Old people listen to metal too.



I just remembered a concert I went to some years ago. It was Opeth at the Fox Theater in Boulder and I don't remember exactly what year it was. Opeth is what you might call progressive death metal from Sweden. In Opeth's case, its death metal blended with 70's prog and jazz. Anyways, right before the show starts, I turn around and right behind me is a 70-something year old man and his wife, both looking very excited to be there.


You might think that they'd be old hippies or perhaps adhere to some sort of darker subculture, but they looked like they came straight from church. He had on his button up shirt and a vest with slacks and loafers, she had what could have been a hand-knitted sweater over a button up shirt and slacks. The white hair surrounding his bald pate was short and combed back, her hair was short and permed. Their eyeglasses looked outdated. They gushed about how much they enjoyed Opeth's music and had driven quite a ways to make it to the show and they enthusiastically but gingerly bobbed their heads during the performance.


I wonder how many elderly couples in rural towns are sitting in their favorite chairs, knitting a sweater or perusing a Harriet Carter calatog, and rocking out to death metal.


Opeth - The Drapery Falls


Yes, that's Cousin It on the bass.


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