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The Meaning of Liff



As you might have guessed, I spent last night watching Monty Python's third film, The Meaning Of Life, definitely the least funny of the three, and perhaps proof that Life isn't fun? Certainly the town I live in has tried to tell us its a great place to live ever since the railworks, our very own dark satanic mill, closed for business. Yet Swindon always seems so meaningless.


It does seem a little coincidental that I've chosen to discuss the Meaning of Life, especially since I seem to have so little of one these days. Or so it seems. Funny thing is, the people who pour scorn on me for not being popular really don't seem to have any more life than I do, nor are they actually popular beyond a few mates. It's as if they don't comprehend that the world exists beyond their own self importance, thus ignorance really is bliss.


Of course lifes rich diversity is easier if you're rich too. They say money makes the world go round, though one wonders whether Sir Isaac Newton actually thought that the contents of his purse made apples fall on his head.


I must now devote an entire paragraph to Jesus. The reason for this is that despite being offically described as the 'Worlds Most Caring Person', he poured scorn on rich people like a sort of ancient Jewish marxist. Since the Roman Emperor was one of the richest people around at the time, one can understand why they nailed Jesus up. It's a bit like Emperor Tiberius slapping the mans cheek shortly before telling him in a heavy Italian accent that he hadn't shown enough respect.


The Romans of course believed money was everything. By strange coincidence, so do the people who are good at earning it. There seems to be this attitude amongst them that since they can afford to be more sophisticated, they are, and are therefore happy at being intrinsically superior to plebs. Just human nature I guess. But are they any different to plebs? Not really, since they always adopt the same lifestyles as their peers. Since I don't seem to be adopting the lifestyles of the Joneses, I must conclude the Meaning of Life isn't found in my bank statement.


So where else? Some people see meaning in science, religion, sport, politics, fashion, popularity, gambling, violence, alcohol, drugs, art, music, literature, families, friendships, travel, hot sex, hot cars, railway engines, stamp collecting, fluffy animals, carbon footprints, inconveniently placed trees, or simply sounding important. I guess the Meaning of Life really boils down to the fact that you can choose.what it means to you. So make your mind up and be happy before someone else decides what you should do to make their life meaningful.


New Low of the Week

It had to happen. After nearly a year of trawling through job adverts and banging on doors, I finally succumbed to temptation and applied for a job of manual labour in a warehouse. Sigh... Now all I have to do is find a warehouse that's still open. Ouch, that sounded pessimistic. Unforgivable. Especially since I've just had a pay rise on my benefits. Excuse me while I check my bank statement.


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