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Summer Is Here



So Summer arrived this week, and the first day was a hot one at 34c, which I enjoyed. I guess that's about 90 or something in the other measurement. The days this week were like a count down for me, as I was anticipating heading down to the beach house. I write this from that very house by the sea.

The house is in Barwon Heads which is only about an hour and a half from Melbourne. It's a place I really enjoy. I never do that much down here...if it's hot I go swimming, I go fishing in the evenings, I read a lot. Speaking of which I'll be trying to put a big dent in 69AD The Year of Four Emperors while I'm down here.

Barwon Heads is called that because the town surrounds some headlands where the Barwon river flows into Bass Straight, not far from the entry to Port Phillip Bay, they do killer fish and chips down here, I sampled them again tonight.

That's it for now, If I catch any decent fish I might write something about it.


Summer days, oh how I love them.


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Thanks Viggen.


I ended up catching an Australian Salmon, and eating it. Only the one fish, but a good size and a meal for me.


Now it's back to work and another countdown to next weekend.

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