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Slippery When Frozen



Last night I sat back to watch a little tv. In both senses. Outside I heard a revving car engine and tire squeals. Oh come on you idiot, surely you're not pratting around in this weather? Sheesh...


Later I became aware of a persistent rumble. I get that from big diesel engines idling outside by the pedestrian crossing. Except this time it just went on and on. Its uncomfortable because the vibration carries through the house. Looking out the window I spotted why. The single decker bus outside had failed totally to negotiate the icy hill and was waiting for assistance to arrive.


It was very slippery last night and although a little slushy this morning, I was a tad careful about walking down to the library!


best news of all is that tomorrow the snow is back, slap bang over Swindon like a cryo-thermal nuclear blast. Can Swindon resist this onslaught of Winter? We shall see...


Statistic of the Week

One in five Brits stayed at home during the snowfall over the last few days. Like me. Only I've got a better excuse to stay off work for a day or two. Its called not having a job. I wonder if that statistic will be bigger if we get snowfall next year...


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