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Volare (Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu)



Well, after more than 3 years of waiting, plus another year of paperwork SNAFUs, it's now official. I am both an Italian and an American, as are my brothers and my mom. I can proudly wear the red-white-and-blue and the tri-colori and not get ripped for it. I can go in the short line when travelling through European customs; I can stay in Italy and other EU countries for longer periods of time (watch out, European UNRV members!), and grant-funded trips to EU countries, from what I hear, will now be easier to obtain.


So look out, world...there are 4 more Italians on the block! Really!


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Wow! I kind of remember you mentioning back when we were together in NYC last year, that you might be getting dual citizenship. That's pretty neat-o.


In celebration, I have anagrammed for you an Italian alias!


Zahrah Elsabeth Romani




-- Nephele

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Heh, "Zahrah" is really an Arabic name (meaning "flower in bloom"), but it has enough of an international sound to it to pass for something a native Italian might wear.


You can pronounce it with a 'talian 'tude: Zaaaaahrah.


"Romani" is a patronymic of the Italian "Romano," meaning "Roman, from Rome" -- which seemed appropriate for you, here at UNRV.


Does your mom have a middle name? I'll Italianize her, too, if she likes.


-- Nephele

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Yep, and here it is (well, the letters): aajnno


Your mom should have the same surname as yours:


Jhonna Machelle Romani


pronounced: ZHAN-nah mah-KEL-leh roh-MAH-nee




-- Nephele

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Here's a better, perhaps more plausible Italian name, for your mom:


Noemi Jannah Marchello


"Noemi" is an Italian form of "Naomi."


The surname "Marchello" is pronounced mar-KEL-loh (I figure you already knew that), and is derived from a diminutive of the personal name "Marco."


-- Nephele

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