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Eboracvm Album (now In Gallery)



Not a bad trip to York , the winter sun doesnt help when trying to get panned shots of the walls so I think that will have to wait till spring. The Roman Bath's 'Museum" is in turmoil at present so no shots of that , however the Yorkshire Museum had an excellent array of items. The Walls were a bit tricky because of the lighting conditions so I concentrated on the Gatehouses.The wallls were in part original Roman built and constantly extended in medieval times. I was struck by the fact that the modern building lines of major new builds are directly influenced by the Roman street pattern -not the meandering Medieval layout.Stood on the top of the Minster you get an idea of the symmetry of the fortress and the related streets, ive posted a photo to illustrate this.The Minster is always impressive and I took a trip up to the roof of the main Tower ,hot work even on a cold day with a scarey traverse across a very low parapeted roof, medieval workmen were not 6 feet tall with largish feet is my surmise-I took a huge number of shots of the Wall but I think I will post just a few in case of battlement fatigue. :ph34r:


Vindolanda next I think!


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