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Despite getting out of bed late this morning after too much cider the night before, I made it to the library for the grand opening ceremony as usual. Thing is though, the mood seemed very muted. Nobody was massing by the door to be let upstairs. Not even The Flash, who lives for his mad dash round the coffee bar every morning.


I should have guessed. I should have realised. The computors were down. The lady on the helpdesk approached as we filed up the stairs on autopilot and delighted in telling us they weren't working. Oh, right, I'll just wander away then...


She told us the four technicians were busy upstairs trying to bring the computers online. I don't remember her exact words, but she made it sound like they were engaged in a life or death struggle with Grungor, the Super Robot, clumsily smashing it's way through the furniture chanting Must... Destroy... Mankind....


"I'm sorry" She added with a smile, "But I don't have a timescale for when the computers will be back."


Huh? How did she know I was going to ask that? Are the librarians psychic?


Political Point of the Week

The recent scandals in British politics are claiming victims at last. Michael Martin, our Speaker of the Commons, has been forced to stand down. Other MP's have already done so. Calls are now being made for Gordon Brown, our very own Prime Minister, to stand down before the next general election. At least that way he'll be spared the ignomony of having to face one. He got his job without being voted in, and might yet lose it without being voted out.


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