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Whew. I made it! Well, ok, it's not quite done yet; next week is finals week, and I still have plenty of work to do before I leave for San Antonio and Austin on 4 June, but one class is completely closed for the spring, and the other two will be shortly. I'm telling you, I didn't think I would get so slammed with work.


Just a couple of random musings:


[*]MSNBC is reporting something that I've heard rumors about in some of the publications I get, that more and more 'traditional' 4-year universities are starting to offer Bachelors' degrees in 3 years. It's a cost-cutting move--shave a year off of your education, and it's that much debt that you (or your parents) don't have to incur. This is also coming at a time when many community colleges (which offer Associates' degrees that traditionally take 2 years to complete--the colleges I've been teaching at are of this model) are teaming up with 4-year universities to offer these Bachelors' degrees on the community college campus; Ca


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Hey, Doc, cheers on the changes in the education scene that might soon lead to you getting that permanent position that you so richly deserve.


Now, what's this stuff about some dude going off to "find" himself -- and expecting his lady to wait around until he eventually returns, all "found" and rejuvenated and whatever? Is this a guy you've been seeing? Who does he think he is -- Benjamin Button? Sheesh.


-- Nephele

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Yep, that's the guy. I dunno about being Benjamin Button (never saw the movie), but he's definitely trying to find himself. Perhaps at 39 it might be a bit late, but you never know (I want to giggle here...I shouldn't...oh what the hell...) lol


And I should say that I was very proud of myself. My reactions were not emotional...I mean, I didn't raise my voice, tear up, put on a temper tantrum, etc. I did become more distant, kept trying to ask questions to figure out what the hell he was going to do. He just wants to go...he's driving up to Alaska, and then he doesn't know where he'll go. I guess he wanted me to be supportive and say something along the lines of, "oh gee, honey, go be free! I'll still be here, waiting for you!" Fuck that (pardon me). He led me to believe that this relationship was going somewhere...then a week ago said that he was going to rent out the house because he wanted to travel around a bit...then states the other night that he'll be gone for a year or more. Um, no, I'm not going to be happy about that...I got duped! So the fact that I didn't do anything but pull away quietly shocked him...clearly he doesn't really know me. Not everything about me is a big ordeal...in fact, it most often isn't.


Eh, other fish...blah blah blah

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3 years for a PhD!!!! Holy crap...I took 8 for mine, because I did a difficult topic (go figure) and at a different university than my Masters. And interestingly enough, when we polled our professors, most of them (even the ones who studied in Europe) took 6 years.

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He led me to believe that this relationship was going somewhere...then a week ago said that he was going to rent out the house because he wanted to travel around a bit...then states the other night that he'll be gone for a year or more.


What a jerk. Hey, do you want me to do a revenge 'gramming of him? Just give me a scramble of the letters of his name (to protect his privacy, even though he's not worth the courtesy), and I'll do my voodoo anagram thing on him.


Revenge 'grammings are infinitely satisfying. One of my best was: "Omar Crotchgenie."


-- Nephele

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Re: the first bullet. I'm proud of the American people. They are showing common sense and innovation in trouled times. A 3 year degree sounds great.

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ROFL ok, we have to do this!




Henceforth, he shall be...


Jym Oniongunk

= gijkmnnnoouy




So let it be written. So let it be done.


-- Nephele

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Sorry I meant Bologna system not Lisbon. My wife is in the first generation on this shorter Ph.D and people that started earlier then her may finish later. She is ending the first year and the next one she may go for a 8 months scholarship abroad. I can't wait :P

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why would you enter into a relationship with a woman, things go very well, decide to go on vacation for a year (or more!) to go explore (read: to go find yourself), tell this to the woman you've been dating...and then be shocked that she's not happy that you're going.


It's that uncomfortable feeling that you've been used isn't it? Well I can't claim moral superiority. In my younger days I treated some women the same, but then again, some women have treated me that way too. Unfortunately it's how human beings are. That probably won't help you feel any better. Perhaps this might. Smile. Always smile. There's nothing an ex-partner hates more than to see you're happy. There's more to life than sex anyway (good grief, what am I saying?) so you may as well enjoy it.


Take pleasure in small things, because the bigger treats are always worth the wait.

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Very true words, Caldrail. And to be fair, I've done my fair share of it, too...then again, there was usually a mutual understanding of the situation at hand, so to speak. Not a misrepresentation.


On the flip side...there's someone new now. And he's at least twice the man this other one is. More later...this is still a developing story!

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