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Lurking In The Shadows



Yesterday afternoon I was strolling through Lawns in Old Town. There's a stretch of woodland there behind the main road properties which is overgown. There's a marvellous atmosphere in there. Sunlight shaded out in a sort of natural cathedral effect. Where trees have fallen, younger growth has sprouted around the base of old trees making layers of thick foliage. I like to wander in there sometimes. You find all sorts of strange things lurking in that shadowy realm. My curiosity was aroused by a felled tree and gathered firewood. I didn't expect that. It seemed a little odd. The tree trunk was lying there intact, and only that trunk. If this was a thinning operation, why hadn't more trees been felled?


I spotted the dirty blue tent first, almost hidden behind the trees near the stone wall. Rubbish strewn at its entrance, leaving me with a bad feeling about this intrusion into quiet woodland. A little further on, and built against the stone wall, was a shanty made of old doors and hardboard. This small community of homeless people had been living quietly the other side of a stone wall from the main entrance to the park. I doubt they'll appreciate my presence, so it was time to move on.


Dangerous Moment of the Week

Urban life hides many dangers and pitfalls. Sometimes, no matter how streetwise or tough you may be, a situation will develope and you must be ready to meet the challenge. My challenge came yesterday afternoon.


I was walking through the park on my way home. The path curves away from the lake and climbs out of sight of the people enjoying the sun by the waters edge. An afro-caribbean couple were sauntering in my direction. He was a muscular guy, tee shirt, baseball cap, striding slowly with his shoulders swaying from side to side, staring at me with supreme confidence.


"Ahhh my god my god ahhhhhh!" His partner freaked out. "It's a frog!"


"Careful Man." The big guy said to me, ushering me out of the way of the vicious brown frog, a monster at least an inch long from nose to tail.


Phew. Thanks people. That was close. Man-eating frogs are rare in Swindon but that one nearly had me there. Look at it... Just staring at me balefully....



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