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As a few of you already know, I am an unashamed beer aficionado. My love for beer coupled with my love for ancient history and literature often motivates me to search for anecdotes within ancient sources that deal with the sublime beverage.


Recently I came across something that I honestly admit, I did not know before. I have no doubt that Pertinax is well versed in this but apparently, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all highly esteemed cabbage as the number one remedy for hangovers.


What is rather funny is that until quite recently, most


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Yes indeed the fortunate brassica!Galen says " most use this as an accompaniment to bread ,but doctors use it as a drying medicine" ."its juice contains a purgative element .. I do not cook it in water when attempting to use it as a drying medicine ..but sek to retain its special juices".

It contains vitamin U -(dont snigger it does exist just like vitamins P and R :) ) -meaning aagainst Ulceration ,so it could be used as a wound dressing on infected and ulcerated legs where B6 deficiency is noted and in all seriousness if the breast has dense tissue build up,also on the scalp if scrofulous.

So not only -make me a pan of cabbage juice -but-put a couple of leaves on my head as well! :)

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The reason for the effectivness is essentially due to the presence of L'Methionine -this stuff is really good for "ladies of a tempramental disposition" as it tends to mop up hormone surges, as well as being useful in de-toxing blood poisoned with heavy metals (mercury, lead and cadmiun) ,so if Pliny used cabbage the lead piping would not have harmed him!

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this stuff is really good for "ladies of a tempramental disposition" as it tends to mop up hormone surges,


By my figuring I have a week & a half before I need to stock up for couple of days... "Hey honey, I'm going to cook cabbage the next couple of nights, is that OK?"


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