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Another Day On The Farm



One of college classmates is a farmer by trade. The difficult economic conditions have prompted a change in career (though I understand he now intends to work for his family farm). He's been pretty busy of late. Hundreds of hay bales needed to be collected for shipment and he was working into the small hours of the night getting those things stacked and packed. At first glance it seems the life of a farmer is all hard work, but he tells me that it isn't always so dull.


The police called at his farm a few days ago. They'd had reports of people getting up to something in one of their fields at all hours of the night. That night, movement was spotted on the top field. With no-one else around, my classmate got into his tractor and drove up the path to take a look. He could see something highlighted by his headlamps up ahead, strange flickering presences like ghosts. Out there on his own in the dark his imagination was starting to make him think something seriously wierd was going on. Nonetheless, he idled forwards as quiet as he could in a tractor, and there, before his eyes, was.....


Have a guess - The answer is at the bottom of the post...


Excuse Mate, But...

By lunchtime the dull cloudy weather had brightened considerably. Still very blustery, as often happens in Autumn these days, but it was time to trek across Swindon and attend another session at the College. My route took me past a recreation ground. This one has more facilities than most and that includes a nine hole golf course.


Walking along the outskirts I could see a number of youths busy engaged in a round of golf. One of them paced back and forth impatiently as if totally uninterested in the game. As I got closer, he asked me if I would return his ball. There it was, just the other side of the fence, and as I tossed it back to them I made the observation that they hadn't had many lessons.


"No," Responded one of the others earnestly, "But we're getting better."



To the young lady I spotted dancing on the pavement in Haydon Wick, I apologise for any embarrasement I caused. It was a little comical, if not completely incongruous, but suddenly going self-concious when you noticed my amusement was even funnier. Please feel free to dance whenever you like. Have a nice day.


X Files of the Week

Sorry to disappoint you, but the 'ghost' was in fact a scarecrow with a green reflective high-vis jacket fluttering in the wind.



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