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That's it. Game over. I've lost all my data. Everything. Eight years work, lost in a moment of electrical fireworks.


It's official too. The data recovery people left me with backups of broken fragments and random folders full of files I've never seen before.


If this was merely an accident, a chance occurence, fate, or simply bad luck, well, what can one do?


If this was a deliberate act by someone somehow, then what was it for? What did they achieve? You can't create something positive by destruction. And I 'd have to say you've broken a number of laws along the way, so I hope you get caught one day. There'll be no mercy from me.


If this was an act of God, then all I can say is that he has a sick sense of humour and I'm better off without him. He also might like to help any Jesus Creeps that call at my door after this. They'll need it.


Right now I'm no mood to talk to anyone. The prospect of this happening was very much in mind for some time, but the death of hope changes everything. In a sense I've been made a prisoner of circumstance. A certain Rudyard Kipling poem is on my mind at the moment - I would be a hypocrite if I dismissed that - but now I face the prospect of rebuilding nearly a lost decade.


Time for me to walk into the wilderness, to spiritually knock on the door of a fort in Siddi-Bel-Abbes. Truth is, I'm not going to be left any choice.

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From your posts of November 29, I got the impression that you have effectively returned.


Being that the case, welcome back.


If that is not the case, I expect to see you soon here.

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