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Laughs On The Nyc Subway



Sitting on the subway this morning on my way to work I was reminded of an inccident that occurred a couple of months ago that made me laugh to myself. HAHAHA, I'm laughing now just thinking about it. Primetime rush hour, I got a seat, the banks of seats face eachother on this older model train. A couple of stops into the ride an older man, in his mid 50's-early 60's gets on, finds a seat just accross from me next to a guy in his early 20's. I'm reading my book, as commute time is my main study time. Next minute, I hear some unusual sounds followed by surpressed laughter, I look up to see the guy in his 20's giggling, obviously trying surpress his laughter. I continue to watch. The old guy proceeds to tear large chunks from a bagel he had in his hands and insert the pieces into both his nostrels, at the sametime making loud chomping and slurrping noises out of his mouth. The pieces of bagel were flying everywhere, the younger guy was cracking up, I proceeded to crackup, along with others. I burried my head in my book and tried my best to surpress my laughter, obviously failing....Just one of those everyday events that break the monotony of the everyday life in NYC...HAHAHAHAHA


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