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Get on the good foot



My Yahoo! Horoscope for the day reads:



Look before you leap, or you could end up in some mighty hot water.



Online communication is a blessing for you right now, and you almost certainly need to reach out to someone you'd never be able to communicate with otherwise. Choose your words carefully!


So I guess I should interpret this as a strong hint to add another blog entry, right? Seems only logical to me, really. Or does it mean that I should email my one brother, even though I know he won't get the email until tonight, when he's back home? Or does it mean I should G-Chat with my other brother, even though I talk to him all the time? Oh bother.


Nah, I'll stick to this entry, and then go for a walk. Then do a bunch of work. Then, perhaps a nap. I'm not really sure right now. All I know is, if I get most all of my work done today, not only will I have very little to do this coming week, but the following week (which happens to be my Spring Break) can be enjoyed fully. I like the sound of that. So, I shall forgo the pleasantries, and get on with my day.


Of course, it's such a pretty day today, and the next few days are shaping up to be quite stormy. March this year came in like a lamb, and definitely is going out like a lion--reverse of what it should be, from what "they" tell me. So maybe I should frolic and play while I can?


Gotta love spring in the SF Bay Area...one never quite knows what to expect!


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