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Lessons and Sermons



There's some pictures from yesterdays expedition to Liddington Hill. The photos don't really convey the scale of the hill and how steep those slopes are. It fascinating to think though that Iron Age Brits and Romano-Brits once lived there, and that possibly Saxon invaders might once have defended those slopes against a certain 'Arthur' and his army. It feels a very lonely place these days.


Learn When You're Young

The course of the old Wilts & Berks canal forms a back street these days. It isn't one of Swindons most salubrious areas it must be said. Rows of collapsing garages, building sites for flats squeezed into any possible gap, and at times I wonder if the Swindon Grafitti College trains its members there. But on a telegraph pole planted at the end of one of those long and untended gardens was a sign. FREE. A collection of kiddies bicycles were gathered underneath, and a child of seven or eight was preparing for a busy days trading. I can see he's going to go far.


Holier Than Thou

A Roman Catholic priest has used his Easter sermon to 'recognise their guilt' over the child sex scandals. Archbishop Nichols said: "Talk of sin is not always popular - unless we are talking about other people's sins".


Astonishing. A Roman Catholic priest admitting their church is guilty? Whatever next? Actually I can't accept this sermon was completely honest after the Popes Preacher announced that all the criticism of Catholicism following the child sex scandals was shameful and equivalent to the suffering of Jews. It just isn't. I don't see any evidence of railway wagons transporting millions of Catholics to camps in Eastern Europe where they'll be gassed wholesale. What a stupid man.


As for the individuals who committed these acts against children, priests or otherwise, I sincerely hope they receive the full force of justice. As for the Cathloic Church, clean your own house before you start spouting moral messsages at us. In fact, don't bother spouting moral messages at all. You're clearly no good at it.


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