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Pleasure little treasure



The funny part about this blog is that I've meant it to be a writing exercise. I wanted to try and write something every day, or at the very least every other day, in order to not lose touch with that side of me. But the last few mornings, I haven't had much, and in fact I've been positively empty. Yet this morning I'm full...well, maybe not full...not quite even half full, but I do feel the need to write something today. It's kinda like being in an exercise routine, and then you have to take a couple of days off. And finally your body screams for some kind of aerobic movement. My brain woke me up 20 minutes early, ready to start with the creative eloquence that is The Language of Love. Now whether it's any good or not....


I found a little surprise at the bottom of the Cheerios box yesterday. Let's be real, I have no children, so I don't buy one box of cereal simply because of the goodies that may or may not lie in the box, so I didn't notice at all that this particular package was supposed to have some sort of toy. So, having finished my box of healthy breakfast food, I noticed a small item at the bottom of the box...it was a race car, a cute, little, cheap plastic race car, meant to promote the upcoming NASCAR season. How cute, I thought. And then in comes Bella, strutting her feline stuff in her precocious way. She's curious as to what I have in my hand, after all it's plastic, and therefore must be approved by her. So, after putting on the labels (because it can't go fast without it's proper labels), I let her smell it. Immediately she takes to it, trying to face rub it and mark it as her own. I put it on the floor and shoot it across the room...immediately Bella's green eyes light up, her butt does the traditional "ooh I'm going to chase that!" wiggle, and off she goes, chasing after the little #3 car. She can't stop playing with it...it's plastic, it's small, it makes rattling sounds (I did mention the lack of quality, right?)...it's right up my cat's alley.


First thing she starts to play with this morning? The black #3 car. She's got a new love :D


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The urge to write is a funny thing. I went daily a while back and sometimes you just haven't got enough time in the day to set down everything you want to say, on other days you stare at the screen in a dull eyed stare devoid of any impetus to even twitch a finger. You have an advantage over me. I don't have a cat who likes cars. On the other hand, I do have a car that likes cats. You can see where they've been lying on the dusty bonnet (that's 'hood' for those who don't speak Queens English ;) ). There you go. It was worth the money after all :D

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Ah yes...mine used to love doing that when we lived with my parents. She'll get the chance come summer, when we move to the new place. With the attached garage, guess which fluffy-butt will be sleeping at night in the garage, either on the bonnet or on the boot...she never did have a real preference, as long as it was metal, warm-ish and high up.


I think I have something for today's entry...to be continued...

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