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Call Me Suspicious, But...



It's been strangely quiet in Swindon. I dare say many people like me were up into the small hours following the events of the General Election on the news. I won't bore you with the commentary on the details of our current hung parliament - we all pay television license fee for that. What interests me is perhaps less than the news that the Conservative Party are now running Swindon South, but rather the maneovers in high places as the various leaders jostle for dominance and influence.


This afternoon I watched as Gordon Brown stepped out of No10 Downing Street to make a statement. Of course he had to, or else lose initiaive entirely. Although he technically lost the election he still remains Prime Minister with a minority government because the opposition didn't score an absolute majority, and the law says the Prime Minister keeps his job until obliged to resign.


Now call me suspicious, but I seriously doubt Gordon Brown will relinquish power as honour demands. For all his fine words in front of the press outside his highly polished black front door, he doesn't want to give up, rather like a spoilt child who's now expected to pass on a borrowed toy. In fact, whatever the news commentators have said, Gordons Brown statement really didn't say anything at all, and I watched him walk back inside No10 with his head down and no urgent questions or applause to follow him.


Meanwhile David Cameron manoevers for power, forming his reserve government and clearly pressing for official status, whilst Nick Clegg of the Liberals waits to decide which side to back, essentially holding the balance of power.


This sort of thing reminds me of the plots and skulduggery of powerfiul samurai warlords, only in this case razor sharp swords are not an option, and I suspect most politicians aren't quite so good at martial arts, never mind dressing in black and scaling walls to poison their enemies in the dead of night. But then, is it not truly said that the pen is mightier than the sword? The most fascinating thing is that these events are unfolding around us and we all have a ringside side thanks to the modern media. British politics has never been such fun. I might as well enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sure the smiles are going to wiped off many peoples faces in the near future.


Enter The Bunny

Forget Jackie Chan... Forget Bruce Lee... Forget wise-cracking anthropomorphic turtles... The biggest bad-ass martial arts hero is your average bunny. I'd like to thank Bill Oddie for enlightening me to the astonishing ability of rabbits to kick each other, and when the time comes to sort my enemies out, I will definitely be dressing my fiercest rabbit in black clothes and two-toed plimsols.


J, you are so sacked. Go get 'em Bunn...


Red Tape of the Week

Nearly two weeks ago I went to the Job Centre for a review of my work placement. Strictly speaking, I should have been advised by letter to turn up as required. As it turned out I had to arrange that interview myself to avoid being without income. During the course of that interview my claims advisor slapped me down like a twelve year old at the top of her voice. But alll this you already know.


On the way out of the Job Centre I stopped by the enquiries office and made a complaint against my claims advisor. Since the Department of Work and Pensions have a policy of supporting cultural diversity on any grounds and respect for customers, I felt that was the correct action to take.


That was two weeks ago. Call me a little suspicious, but two weeks without any contact regarding the complaint process seemed a little too much like filing under miscellaneous. Time then to take matters a bit further. This afternoon I popped down to the Job Centre and asked the lady whether I could be advised on what action was being taken. Naturally she didn't know, nor did she make any effort to fetch Customer Services. Instead she suggested I went upstairs and dealt with the office concerned. It's called "passing the parcel".


The lady upstairs was a great deal more polite and helpful. My complaint, so she informs me, hadn't reached the manager concerned. It's called "filed under miscellanous".


Not any more it isn't.


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