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Putting Bullets In It



Given my opinions about Gordon Brown, the news of his intention to step down really ought to have inspired a sense of shock. For some reason it didn't. He's not the most popular leader we've ever had. He got the job because Tony Blair gave it to him, not because he was voted in by the public. there is therefore a sense of justice that he's decided to resign following the very narrow defeat of his party in the general election. That's politics unfortunately. Like many other walks of life, such as the entertainment business or unemployment, there aren't any prizes handed out to losers.


Where's My Phone Call?

I'd been informed that following my complaint against my claims advisor over her disrespectful and bullying manner, her manager would phone me yesterday afternon. As I suspected the phone call never happened. Draw your own conclusions. I certainly will.


What is the point of making an effort, to comply with all the requirements and indeed exceed them, if they try to trample you underfoot afterward? The logic escapes me. If this was some cack-handed attempt to spur me on to better efforts I'd have to say it's only going to achieve the reverse. But then they'd only label me as undeserving of financial asssistance and stop paying me anyway. For a public department whose declared aim is to return people to work, you have to wonder at their mentality. How is turning me into a rebellious beggar on the street going to get me a job?


Unsolved Case Of The Week

I see in yesterdays news that a 61 year old man collapsed in the garden with what he thought was a stroke. Follwing a medical examination it turns out a bullet is lodged in his skull and police are mystified how it got there. Just a small point Holmes, but you might want to look for someone with a gun.


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