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Dear Juliet



Thousands of love lorn people every year are sending heart felt letters to 'Juliet' in Verona, Italy. A part of me sees this as ridiculus, given that Juliet is a fictional shakespearean character dreamt up hundreds of years ago, but on the other hand, an illustration of how popular fantasy and modern privacy have made people feel so lonely.The 'Juliet Secretaries' who are paid to read these letters answer them too. I can imagine them being sympathetic to these messages of despair, but at what point do they become used to it, or even contemptuous?


How To Chat Someone Up In Five Minutes Flat

Following on from How To Spot Someone Is Interested In You, I discovered this gem on the internet news site. How to chat someone up in five minutes.


1. Picture the scene

Before you approach that gorgeous creature or meet your date, run through some chatty scenarios in your head. Think about things you might say and how they might reply. Picture yourself responding with calm wit and fluency. You probably won


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There is a sort of innocence about that piece, isn't there? Like we're all shy teenagers agonising over silly details like fashion, pimples, and whether our dream partner will actually respond to our timid approaches. Funny thing is, at my age I long since ceased being worried about it. Hello pretty young woman. Doing anything today? No? What about sex at my place?... Oh, I see. Oh well, at least I tried :D

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