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They Read My Mind



Mankind is a clever species. These days we can talk to someone on the other side of the globe. We can, in theory, arrive at any point of the worlds surface within 48 hours comfortably. Some human beings have been to the dark and crushing depths of the oceans. Others have skipped across the dusty surface of the moon. With all these wondrous inventions and achievements, why is it we cannot design doors that work?


My love/hate relationship with doors is nothing new. Time and again I've pulled instead of pushed, pushed instead of pulled, and on at least two occaisions pulled the darn thing off its hinges by accident. But automatic doors are even worse. I truly believe that autiomatic doors are designed to frustrate the general public. So when it's time to leave the library and go home, what happens? The door sulks. It just stays immobile. No... Hang on... yes, it is moving, ever so slowly. With my recent post about the nature of time, I start to wonder if I haven't encountered a space-time anomaly. Where's Captain Picard when you need him? He never had trouble with doors. And if he did, he had only to ask his engineers to sort it.


Wait... Wait... A gap slowly forms and I try to exit by stepping sideways through it. You might think I was tempting fate. You are correct. The door suddenly stuck solid and I bumped into it looking like the helpless victim of mechanical gremlins that I am. This is one door, above all others, that deserves to be pulled off its hinges.


But the security guard is watching me struggle with the door. I wonder if he knows what I'm thinking? How did he know I was going to collide with the only architectural feature in the building with a bad attitude? No, that's it, I'm going to make a complaint. Sorry, Librarian, but that door is rubbish. I want it fixed.


"Oh. I see. If you have a complaint Sir, please fill in this form" She said.


Okeedokee. I'll just sit here and...


"Sorry Sir, but that seat is for new library members."


Needless to say, there weren't any. Perhaps she can tell the future?


More Proof Of Psychic Powers?

Now here's a strange thing. Walking along the front of the old college site I pass a number of bushes growing between the delapidated brick wall and the white-painted plywood fence put up behind it to keep out beggars and druggies. With all the good weather, you can imagine how well these bushes and young trees have grown over the last two years. One small branch in particular is so virile that that it droops under its own weight and makes an annoying obstruction on the footpath. No, that's it, the next time I pass it, that branch is being broken off.


Too late. Someone has sensed my annoyance and done it for me. Earlier today. How about that? All I have to do is think about things and it happens. Now let's see if I can negotiate that door safely by the power of my mind...


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