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Working On My Job Search



Jobsearching is getting a bit frustrating. I've just been to the Job Centre to page through their vacancy database and found two new vacancies in the last seven days, for a town the size of Swindon. Both are self employed vacancies requiring own transport, so that rules me out.


With politicians breathing down our necks, the need for paperwork to prove we're all good little jobseekers is getting a bit much. I've been given another pair of forms asking for details of weeks of activity.


The boss of the Job Centre tells me there's no intention of trying to catch people out. Who's he trying to kid? That's exactly what the form is designed for and I've harangued him about that once already. Bureaucracies do love red tape though. They thrive on it. So I guess I'll just have to write out another list of activity like I did last time.


No dishonesty of course. Wouldn't want to get caught out, now would I?


Inspection Day

Every so often the letting agent asks to inspect the property just to make sure it's all being looked after. There's no big deal to it. Some person turns up with a clipboard, makes a few ticks in the boxes provided, and leaves as soon as they can drag themselves away from my rivetting conversation about Roman history.


Yesterday was inspection day. By coincidence I'd spoken to the letting agent on another matter and I knew they were due to turn up any time after lunch. Except they didn't. Which meant I sat there twiddling my thumbs wasting an afternoon I could have spent on more productive activity. Looking for a job maybe?


On The Bright Side

The sun is shining. Blue skies with barely a cloud to spoil them. The temptation to enjoy this good weather is enormous. After all, it gets me out and about, meeting people, fresh air and exercise. Who knows? Maybe I'll find a job today.


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