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Mediobogdum -western Defences



As Viggen strives to piece together my "report" galleries for the Wall and Vindolanda , I hope to visit Mediobogdum a sensationally remote fortlet in the heart of the Lake District. Alavana (and its museum) are also on my shopping list. Not much remains of the turf defence line into the Solway sands , but they were an integral part of the western arm of the Wall defence system with Glannaventa as the supply port.As usual if the weather holds, Mediobogdum in particular is spectacularly situated and may yield some good images.

The pennine forts (in Brigantia-Brittannia Inferior) were critical in maintaining rear echelon security-but fell out of use for long periods till Severan times and late period re-occupation by Constantine.Incidents of suggested insurrection have yielded fire damage at various localities, but it is difficult to say if this is actual assault or "vandalism".Roman Britain was very stable whilst Gaul was in turmoil , and some suggest a flight of established ,prosperous citizens to Brittannia (Salway -Roman Britain, as always dry but scrupulously even handed).


The fort was built between 120 -138 AD and we know that an Illyrian Vexillation was here.


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