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well today i enrolled in Tafe (those who arnt in Australia Tafe is like a community college... im finishing my high school education there). Although tafe is alot better in the areas of Ancient and modern history i have the prospect of having to make a whole new group of friends. its rather daunting but i suppose everyone who is going is in the same boat as me.


other then enrolling i finished typing up an article on Tiberius Constantine who reigned after Justin II


Anyway some people might be thinking why i left my high school to go to tafe.


1) My high school was Catholic (im catholic but they were so hypocritical in their teachings)


2) My school was racist


3) school has 40 hours a week while tafe is only 18 hours


4) Different variety of people from all walks of life.


anyway thats todays happenings and my whingefest about stuff




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Let me say Condratulations on continuing your educational interests at a higher learning level and escaping the dogmatic teaching of Catholic schools... (I myself am a Catholic and went to a Catholic Grade School and HS so I know how it is).


I wish you luck and hope you enjoy college because it really is an amazing experience in life, the best times of my life were my freshman year at college and just going knowing no one, thus being forced to establish friends and contacts which I did and several of whom I consider my closest friends and who I know I will be with and in contact with in my adult years.



Oh and like I told you, Justinian is for the most part all done but thanks for telling me you are having PC issues, I'll send it to Tobias then.

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thanks Neos, Tafe isnt exactly university its just a high school but only for those who want to finish of the last 2 years of Hs (year 11 and 12) but i guess its different in America.. Anyway pm when u decide who your gonna choose next from the emperors. coz its ur turn now :)

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