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Tis Blowin A Gale Out There



I've done it! I've made to the end of the week! Doesn't sound like a particularly brilliant achievement, but with my bedroom temperatures reduced almost to Ice Age conditions, I was starting to worry about becoming extinct. After all, the neanderthals, who were better adpated to the cold than we are, failed miserably to survive their frigid bedrooms at all.


Talking about them, there a new theory why they died off. I've always put it down to old age and poor sex education, but apparently my theories are wildly incorrect, as the equally incorrect theories mention causes as diverse as disease, lack of social skills, arid/frozen conditions during a glaciation, and the nastiness of Homo Sapiens. So basically the neanderthals died out through lack of party invites. I know how they feel.. Erm... Felt.


Now the theory has emerged that neanderthals couldn't run very fast, having shorter legs and less capable ankles. That might explain the insignificant sales of sportswear in that period. Hey, I do my homework.


Slightly Windy

It's howling a gale out there. hardened sea dogs will no doubt scoff and tell me it's a mere breeze, but blustery it most certainly is. With the wind is a sort of fine spray of rain, leaving the pedestrian refreshed after a hard slog up the pavement facing the oncoming gusts without dampening their spirits.


Good, bracing Swindon weather. Wish you were here.


Global Rollercoaster

With the debate and lecturing about Global Warming, I notice a sudden blossoming of television programs exploring climate change and in particular, expanding our understanding of changes throughout human prehistory. it seems that occaisionally we suffer 'Heinrich Events', the last of which caused a drop in average temperature of ten degrees in as many years. And it swung the other way when the ice receded.


And we're worried about an average 1 degree rise? We still have another two to go.


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