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...UNRV bloggers need love



I think we should reward our bloggers, how about an Amazon Kindle or a NOOk?


Come up with how the competition should work, who should get the first prize, the one with the most blog entries not going to happen, (sorry caldrail, than there wouldnt be a contest to begin with, you are just too productive ;) )


...so any ideas ???


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UNRVer Bloggists need love? Personally, I think I need wild passionate sex. Instead of an Amazon kindle, how about a blonde amazon (preferably with both mammary glands still attached)?




Actually in all seriousness I don't think blogs should be made competitive. Do I need to be rewarded for my blogging? I guess many would say I need to be locked in jail for some of the things I've written. Blogs are after all a personal diary of one sort or another and my own feelings are that they should be allowed to remain so.

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I sort of agree with Caldrail. Not specifically about the curvacious amazon (however . . . . ) but to say that, although blogging should be strongly encouraged, maybe not quite to the tune of a Kindle.

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Given the dearth of UNRV blogging, I recently bowed out myself. Didn't seem much of a point in taking time to keep a blog when only 5 or 6 people are going to read it.


It would be different if some of the authors and scholars associated with UNRV would use them as a means of interaction with the wider UNRV membership. But everyone is using Facebook and Twitter these days.

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caldrail you crack me up, you know we should get together and make your blog entries here into a book, i promise you, i make you rich...


cheers for now


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I'm all for the following:


1) Wild, passionate sex (who isn't?)

2) Publishing Caldrail somehow...there's untapped talent there.

3) Wild, passionate sex (oooh, now I'm sounding desperate...)

4) Wine (there, that evens things out a bit)


Honestly, I keep my blog for myself; should anyone be so gracious as to read it, wonderful. Admittedly, the last couple of months I haven't been as active--this is due to work--but time is freeing up, and I want to get back to consistent writing. That being said, if the 'powers that be' wish to bestow a prize to a blogger for the fun of it, hey, wonderful; I seriously doubt that the recipient will complain. As for the prize, a Kindle is cool...but perhaps a more open-ended gift (certificate?) would be better?


With that, time to catch up on blogs :D


Todo bem!

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