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Marking Out Territory



Weathermen do love it when things get interesting. Our current spell of fine weather is about to end, and as always, the man on tv grinned mightily as he warned of impending wind and rain. Okay, okay, I heard you the first time, change the cript, please...


Today is still sunny. A bit cooler though, and actually the breeze is quite chilly.


I was strolling along the local high street on my to the programme centre. A young woman in a red car swerved across in front me, mounting the pavement like it was her own driveway. Excuse me? You're blocking the pavement?


"Pardon?" She asked whilst doing more important things like retrieving her handbag from the car's interior.


"You're going to have to move the car." I suggested.


"Sorry but I can't park there." She answered, pointing at a dayglo yellow traffic cone as she nipped into the nearby office. What? Is that supposed to be an excuse for breaking the Highway Code? Block the pavement and obstruct pedestrians because someone obstructed her desired parking spot?


I pity her partner. I really do.


Coat Of Arms

Occaisionally I pass a newsagent and more often than not a billboard with the newspaper headline is displayed outside to attract punters. If only they wouldn't use headlines months..


One headline I spotted this morning, which is probably old news to anyone who actually bought a copy of the newspaper, is that Penhill wants its own coat of arms. For those that don't know, that's a heraldic crest. Not content with housing most of the drug dealing layabout vandals in Swindon, or forcing taxi drivers to ban fares into that area, or have delivery drivers refuse to enter the downtrodden streets, they want independence.


I don't know why they need to ask. Their residents have been marking walls with any number of heraldic crests for years.


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