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Sacred And Herbal Healing Beers



the time approaches for my "cross cultural" review of this work .I think the review will be better handled if its specialised parts are dismembered between UNRV at blog level-for the sections on "analysis of ancient cultures from a modern perspective" and "fermented medicines/cultural ceremonial of celtic /european societies" in relation to Roman medicines, and foodstuffs. The review of the "hardcore" historical analysis for non-european societies and detailed recipe critique ,including the historical analysis of European herbalism will I think live more happily on Pantagathus' "The Nectar of Gods! " site. The book is massive and full of detail so I think that, combined with the outage we are experiencing , the review will be in episodes .

After this I must return to my central materia medica in Rome and comment on Galen who keeps getting shoved aside !


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As long as Mercurius is not vexed, and the Good Lady. Still no ales dedicated to the deities-I thought perhaps Lugh( who was greatly conflated with Mercury) might have a gruit for his special usage.Dea Fortuna must surely have a wholesome cereal based ale with perhaps some mountain herbs from the Apennines .

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