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Seeing Is Believing



We return once again to the issue of the Old College site. It's.. Erm... Still there. Only the other day I saw a youngle couple taking photographs of the rather shabby edifice blocking the afternoon sun at the bottom of the hill. Or rather he was, she was patiently waiting for him to do something interesting.


This morning I received another newsletter from our ever enthusiastic labour party. All the political parties put these comunity newsletters through our postboxes in the optimistic hope that we actually believe their statisitcs, excuses, and triumphant claims of achievement.


The excuse for the old ruin still standing was that no-ones talking to each other any more. The site is in private hands and it's up to the developer as and when the demolition goes ahead. So the councillors went ahead and told everyone it would be demolished by now. We've all been misled, claims the pamphlet. Yeah? No kidding. I guess that's politics.


Oh, before I forget, demolition starts in August. The pamphlet says so.


Palin: The Undefeated Years

I see Sarah Palin is releasing a film made about her rise from obscurity to bear hunting political almost-running. It's called The Undefeated. Not sure the title is entirely suitable, since she hasn't actually achieved her perceived goals, but I guess there's a fair few bears and fish that fell to her amazonian lust for victory.


I can see it now. ordinary housewife with fishing boat encounters violent hoodlums from a rival political party determined to eradficate bear hunting. After they leave the area filled with overturned burning cars and immobile stuntmen, she grits her tetth, cocks the pump action shotgun, and heads for election success. Good warm hearted family fun.


Do I sound a little sarcastic? The problem with the american film industry is the stereotypical production line it pretends not to be. There's a familiar pattern to Hollywood productions. Boy meets girl, girl needs rescuing, british achievements get rebranded. Just add lots of lame gags, fuel based explosions, and keep blank ammunition makers in business. How can you go wrong?


Okay, I still sound a little sarcastic. Do you really blame me? Why can't this Sarah Palin film be about her inability to make a speech? Or about the character interplay inside a damaged space capsule with little hope of returning to Earth? Or about standing on the prow of a ship that's about to sink very dramatically?


You know what? I'm struggling to be serious here.


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Oh, please, feel free to let the silliness fly. I'm beginning to think that American politics, at least, has gone into that realm completely. I don't think we're on Italy's level, but we're getting there :hammer:

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Guest CounterSwarmer


Yes, Palin done crazy stuff.Right now in the US(where I live) there is so much coverage about Palin and she has status of celebrity comparable to an actor like Tom Cruise. :rolleyes:


American politics right now is so full of BS to the point you don't know who to trust.I assume its the same in your nations?

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Politics is always full of BS. It's in the nature of politicians to exploit and mislead to a greater or lesser degree. You do find leaders who are more sincere than others, but the regime they operate in is more likely to subvert those ideals in order to achieve success and survival. In other words, you run with the crowd or sit on the sidelines. Since politicians get involved either for personal achievement or for deep seated conviction, there's never going to be a complete consensus of how things should be run thus we get politics as a way of life.

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