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My License And More Of My Life

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


After fruitless months of loitering around, I finally got my damn license. But only thing is I really hate is the picture taking, it makes me look so retarded, I suppose no one can escape it. Otherwise, I love driving along the lakefront at night, amazing scenery, and not to mention fracking 'peace.' I suppose they call it naturalism, BS lit.


Otherwise, I'm really hating school right now. Just too much damn work, I feel depress and tired. Fortunately, my personality doesn't allow me to stay like this that long.


Then there are the Olympics. They are nice and all, but really, barely anyone in the US gives a ... about it. The only things worth watching are the moguls, ice-skating(I find incredibly amazing and hard as hell), downhill skiing, and the luge.


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I haven't a License yet. I can get it when I'll be 18 only (in Russia)... but I drive my car very successfully without any License. I have got good practic before and feel myself very confidently during driving. In spite of them I wait this day when I can get it officially. :(

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I haven't a License yet. I can get it when I'll be 18 only (in Russia)... but I drive my car very successfully without any License. I have got good practic before and feel myself very confidently during driving. In spite of them I wait this day when I can get it officially. :(


Yeah driving isn't bad, its pretty easy. BUt then there something funny, when I took drivers education, the girls were absolutely horrible drivers, not kidding at all. And when I ask other people, they even say the girls were bad drivers. I don't get it? I mean guys are more reckless, yet girls...


Anyways, I hope you get your license soon before some cop pulls you over. :)

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I bown down before you LACERTUS. Your superior driving skills has shock and amazed me into too subjugation. Rah Rah Lacertus, she's number 1, and if she doesn't 'speed', then no one can. (Damn I can keep going on about praising you :( ).




Traffic is exasperating me to the point that I am seriously considering the hang-glider option...lol


Well there goes Europe for you. Your next door neighbor in the city is like barely a few feet. And the cars, my they are small. :)

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yeah the italian police went nuts, no idea what they were thinking to pull such a stunt a couple of hours before the race and treat sportsmen worse then terrorists...

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