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Warnings And Preparations



My world is very quiet of late, apart from the odd squabble among among my neighbours. About the only event worthy of note is the inspection of the property by my letting agent. They do tell me that they're not overly concerned at my lifestyle or how tidy the place is, but my days as an air cadet still afflict me with an instinctive desire to avoid having to clean the place all over again until I can eat my breakfast off it.


So I had a bit of tidy up. That didn't hurt, did it?



The latest plans for Queens Park are posted at the library. Now that the council has disbanded the parks department to save money they might stop ripping all the foliage out of the park. Or will they? Time for me to head down to the display boards and find out what is going on.


More Weather

There's more warnings of persistent cold weather to come. That's the trouble with february. Almost every year it does this. Just when you think winter is all over and you've gotten away with it, along comes icy blasts from Siberia or the North Pole.


It's supposed to be the coldest day this winter so far but it doesn't feel like that. Certainly not warm but there's none of that sharp coldness that demands long johns and gloves. Now that I've been warned things are getting colder, should I rush out and purchase protective warm clothing? My own attitude is very much that I've suffered far worse in the past and that I can hack it and so on. Then I saw one of those television experts telling us that older people do tend to say that before they die horribly of hypothermia. I've been warned.


Whinge Of The Week

I see Argentina is whinging to the UN because Britain sent a warship to the Falkland Islands. They say it's 'militarising' the area. I'm sorry, didn't Argentina send an entire army there in 1982 and leave a legacy of minefields all over the islands?


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Contrary to international conventions they also seem to have neglected to keep accurate maps of where the mines had been laid.


They actually laid most of the mines in peat bogs, where depending on local conditions mines can shift nearer or further from the surface, making clearance extremely problematical. This has lead despite several areas being permanently cordoned off to fairly regular losses of sheep by the Flakland Islanders ever since (sheep don't read danger signs too well).


The last time the Argentinians decided that they could steal the Falkland Islands along with its potential oil reserves and vast fishing grounds was when the UK had a Conservative government selling off everything in sight and the Argentinian economy went to the wall.


Is anything different these days?

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In a sense yes because south america has it's own regional union now and thus Argentina is finding it easier to gather support for it's intiatives (though many countries appear to prefer not to upset Britain too much).


But regarding mines - international conventions might be in place but soldiers laying mines around the world aren't really concerned with legality - they just want to blow enemies up or at least persuade them not to cross the minefield at all.

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